Gabe and Zeke’s baseball team (the Tigers) was playing Houston’s team (the Angels) last night. We had been anticipating the game all season. But the 3 Amigos’ big bro-down had a 20-minute rain delay, so both teams horsed around on the field as it barely drizzled and thundered way off in the distance … and then this happened.
Egad! First, let me say, Zeke is okay now, but it was frightening as all get out when we spotted him. He was crying, the kid who accidentally hit him in the face with a (luckily underhand-tossed) baseball was crying, the parents who saw it unfold were nearly crying – it was chaos! This pic was taken about four hours after the injury occurred.
By this time, the swelling had gone down immensely, and his vision, and cheek and eyebrow bones seemed to be fine. He was even a bit peppy before bed, having eaten popcorn and watched for the first time “The Wizard of Oz.”
I assured Zeke that he survived TTTS, being a preemie, and having a CCAM removed via lobectomy, so we weren’t gonna let some stray baseball bring him down. But honestly, I was scared to death. Thank you, Lord, for protecting my sweet boy, helping Stephen and me make wise decisions regarding his care, and giving Zeke two brothers who care so much about his well-being!
Here’s Zeke this afternoon. We decided to take him to an urgent care, just to make sure his orbital bones weren’t fractured. His x-rays checked out fine, as did his vision tests, physical exam, and even an ocular test that numbed his eye and turned it green so that the doc could make sure his lens and iris and other necessary seeing parts weren’t scratched or damaged.
Zeke was seen by the same lady who treated Houston during his shoulder trauma a few months back. She’s extremely thorough and competent, so we left feeling relieved of his “he’s one lucky dude” diagnosis. I mean, if he had been hit 1 mm differently in any direction, it could have been so much worse. Lord have mercy.
Rebecca so proud that you are going to tutor, YOu will be excellent. Houston, love your essay, you write very well.
Zeke, I hope you shinner is gone, Wear it with pride. Granny so loves clandillingham