Today, Houston and I completed a 5k walk in an hour in 4 minutes exactly. We went with my friend, Nora, and her son, Mason, who is about 14 months old. We had to start way in the back with all the other moms with strollers, but we were just walking it for fun anyway. It was a good day to take a baby for a stroll — not too hot, cloudy and just a little misty. Since it was a “Women’s Only” event, Houston donned his brightly colored “Macho” bib. I figured as one of the few males participating, he should flaunt his masculinity! This was the first time Houston and Mason had ever met, and Houston was pretty intrigued by Mason’s walking and other big-boy capabilities. The start/finish line was bustling with activity and the PA system was also quite loud. The scene surely could’ve scared your average three-month old, but Houston couldn’t have been better. He just kind of chilled and soaked it all in. Then again, he’s not really your average three-month old! Click the above image for more pictures!