Walking, Bleeding & Puking

We really enjoyed Aunt Lisa’s week-long visit. She was a tremendous help with the kids and the housework, and did every bit of the cooking during her “vacation” at the zoo.

One day when she and Houston were at Target, Houston kept excitedly saying, “Man here.” (“Man” is what he calls Spider Man.) Lisa assumed that he had seen some cool Spidey products. Houston’s growing persistence paid off when Lisa finally spotted a kid dressed in full Man garb. They approached the young Spidey and his mom, and talked with them about Houston’s love of the super hero. Houston even got to high five Spidey, before he had to go fight bad guys.

Zeke, Houston & Mommy at the “Hands Off My Healthcare” event in Burlington.

On another shopping trip, Lisa allowed Houston to walk, instead of ride in the cart — a first for Bull. He would say, “Walking … walking … walking!” while gyrating in a contained sphere around her and holding her hand. Lisa said he did a surprisingly good job of reigning in the obvious thrill he was experiencing with this newfound freedom.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos during Lisa’s visit; it was just too crazy busy, even with an extra set of hands. However, you can click the photo below to view all the pics from one of the Patients First rallies we attended in back in early August.

Stephen, Gabriel & Miss Heather kill time in the shade before the rally begins.

Health flash: I started doing hardcore power walks with the kids in the stroller. I hope to do it at least three times a week for 30 minutes, and do one bike ride on the weekends. Although I’ve probably never been this strong upper body wise — yeah, little humans make great barbells — I’ve also never weighed this much in a non-pregnant body.

Houston has to ride, instead of walk, on these aerobic strolls, which was disappointing to him at first. But I explained that I have to be thin and strong to be the best Mommy I can be. He seems okay with it now and often cheers me on during walks, saying, “Mommy, thin … Mommy, strong … Mommy, go!”

This morning, Houston busted his lip (again), but this time it was on the coffee table. Our awesome neighbors, Shawn and Milt (Dixie’s parents), dropped by to make sure the bloody injury didn’t require a trip to the urgent care. Houston was very brave and let me ice his lip right after the injury. And I handled the stressful situation quite calmly, so I’m proud of the both of us!

Clan Dillingham in front of the Patients First bus w/ Dallas Woodhouse, NC director of Americans For Prosperity.

Other stuff:

  • On 8/15, we bathed all three boys at once. Nobody got hurt or anything, but it was still controlled chaos. We probably won’t attempt that again for a while, but at least Stephen took some decent video of the occasion.
  • On 8/16, Gabriel and Zeke turned 10 months old. I cannot believe they’ll be 1-year-old dudes in less than two months!
  • Gabriel and Zeke are cruising up a storm. I’m sure they’ll be walking (and talking) before we know it.
  • I cancelled the twins’ upcoming appointment with a gastrointestinal specialist, since their puking has improved. It surely hasn’t ceased, but I think I can handle this moderate amount for another month or two. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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