Well, visiting Judy and Clarence in the mountains for Thanksgiving started off a bit rocky. For the first two days and nights, Houston fought sleep at every turn, he had a bad cold, he lost his appetite as his sleeplessness persisted and, of course, he was out of his element and meeting lots of new “strangers” to boot. I broke our steadfast rule and slept with Houston for two nights, hoping that mommy could comfort him, in between sucking the snot out of his nose every 30 minutes. Needless to say, that didn’t help. Plus, his daytime naps were virtually nonexistent. Despite all of that, Houston was pretty happy when meeting family members and friends on Thanksgiving. It just tore me up to see him suffering and not acting himself. You know something’s wrong when that boy ain’t eating! Luckily, he got a good night’s sleep on Friday and Saturday night and was his cute, chipper, silly self all day Saturday and Sunday; his naps were back in full force, as well. So, Granny got lots of awesome playtime those last two days and Houston was a perfect baby at church, smiling at everyone and then snoozing on Granny during service. Unfortunately, Grumps had to miss out on the fun ’cause Houston gave him a cold. Here are a few photos from our visit to Avery County.