Tax day is never fun for the middle class, but at least we got to peaceably assemble with other tea party patriots on April 15.
Daddy & an ultra-amped Houston enjoy the taxed-enough-already protest.
Mommy tries to rein in the rebellious spirit of her red-blooded American boys.
Zeke (front) & Gabriel are entertained by strolling through the crowd & waving flags.
The sign reads “Prosperity = White Supremacy.” I’ll let you chew on the inanity of that one yourself.
Click on the above photo of the incognito trust-fund anarchist to check out all the rest of the pics & interesting signs from the rally.
Pictures are great as usual. Looks like a pretty good-sized crowd. That one sign about prosperity I didn’t quite get. The second one had a point about Bush but the 2nd half of sign was a crock. No Way Jose