Houston had his 4-month check-up today. He handled his vaccinations like such a big, strong boy, and laughed, talked and kicked throughout his entire appointment (minus during the shots, of course). He now weighs 17.7 pounds, he’s 26 3/8″ long and his head is 17 1/4″ around. Those stats put him in both the 95% category for both height and weight. Yes, he’s going to be a tall one for sure! The above photo is actually from late September, but it’ll help you get the drift of how he’s shaping up.
While getting Houston dressed for his appointment, he finally discovered his toes! I had been trying to show him his feet for a while now, but he just hadn’t been interested. He would much rather eat his hands by sticking his entire fist into his mouth, while drooling like a mad man. We’ll have to see if he remembers where his feet are and if he discovers how much fun they can be to play with when you’re a limber baby!
Another first for Houston happened today: he ate his first veggie! I took video of it, so you’ll get to see that soon enough. But suffice it to say that he was quite skeptical of the whole thing. He has just recently gotten into his daily rice cereal feeding (which I think he initially saw as cutting into his trusty breastmilk stash), thus, Gerber carrots were quite shocking to his palate. He ate about a tablespoon, though, so I don’t think we’ll have a problem getting him into yummy pureed foods. And in addition to sustenance, they can also provide entertainment — kinda like finger paints!
Houston’s Big Day