You can now view video of my speech from yesterday’s rally.Â
As you will see, I am not even close to surrendering my 1st Amendment rights because Linda Douglass, the director of communications for the White House’s office of health reform, is using scare tactics.
In a video blog titled, “Facts are stubborn things,” she asked Americans to snitch on their fellow citizens who are attending these types of events and/or posting “disinformation” on blogs or sending “fishy” emails about the president’s stance on the healthcare control bill.
Reason TV does a great parody video of the big-brother depths to which the Obama administration will sink in order to smear those who don’t agree with them. You can also check out Douglass’ verbally dull, yet frighteningly intriguing White House video here.
“Dissent is patriotic.” Remember that refrain the Democrats were syphoning through the echo chamber during the anti-war rallies when Bush was in office?
Remember during the presidential campaign when Obama urged his supporters to “argue with neighbors, get in their face” about spreading his message of hope and change?
Remember when Obama said, “I’ve been inspired by the civil rights movement and people working at a grassroots level to bring about change to get people involved with shaping their own destiny … You can actually match the power of corporations and lobbies to actually influence what’s going on in a place like Washington.”
Notice in the video there is no mention of citizens matching the power of the federal government.
Remember when Obama’s campaign manager wrote on his campaign site, “Community organizing is how ordinary people respond to out-of-touch politicians and their failed policies … Throughout our history, ordinary people have made good on America’s promise by organizing for change from the bottom up.â€
Shouldn’t our commander-in-chief, who launched his political career in the community organizing movement, celebrate freedom of speech, whether he disagrees with it or not?
Instead of being seen as a sign of vibrant democracy, informed dissent and grassroots organizing is now being sold as a conspiracy to bring down our “historical” president. Hell, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims folks at town hall meetings are carrying swastikas, for crying out loud. Lock your doors and rat out your neighbor, there’s an angry mob in town!
Moreover, has any American president ever been entitled to blind deference? Are members of congress ever due undisputed reverence simply because of their privileged positions of power?
The answer in our Constitutional Republic is of course not, especially when considering that we “tea-bagging rednecks” didn’t start this fight; moms like me are simply retaliating, from the ground up.
Yes, Mr. President. Facts indeed are stubborn things.
“We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in  order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” — John F. Kennedy