Second Century Rome

Study The Church
Lands controlled by the Roman Empire in 117 A.D. during the “Pax Romana” under the reign of Augustus Caesar.

During the reign of Augustus Caesar from 14-180 AD, there was little turmoil and general peace, earning his rule the name “Pax Romana” or Roman peace. Augustus created a large standing army at all times, a different approach from earlier eras when there was only a standing army during times of war. Conquering Egypt with 60 legions, Augustus still kept 28 in service. The plan was to instantly obliterate anyone who decided to attack Rome. Following the reign of Augustus, there was stability at some times, with there being some good emperors but also some horrible emperors who took the throne during the second century. 

Augustus had complete power over Rome and was feared. However, he was not known as especially brutal and was still generally considered to be a great emperor. He managed to acquire massive amounts of troops because of conscription. Augustus died towards the end of the first century with no male heir, so his wife’s son Tiberius, was named emperor. 

Tiberius had a mostly uneventful reign (14-37) yet power became even more centralized to the emperor under his leadership. From 37-41 AD, Caligula ruled over the Roman Empire. He was insane, cruel, and believed himself to be a god. This theme of the emperor being divine would continue with later emperors. The people of Rome hated this and such emperors would usually end up getting assassinated. For instance, Caligula even made a temple to himself and was murdered by the Praetorian guard because of this. 

After Caligula’s reign, Claudius took the throne and inherited an awful situation, with Rome being in massive debt and rebellion breaking out across the empire. Claudius turned out to be a competent emperor and saved Rome from these troubles. One of the most infamous Roman rulers ever, Nero, ruled from 54-68 and was apparently said to have been sane and sensible during his first five years as emperor. In the second half of his reign, Nero was known for tyranny and especially mass killings of Christains. His most heinous crimes include murdering his own mother for annoying him, burning the bodies of Christains to light his garden, and lighting the city of Rome on fire for an unknown reason. Obviously, Nero was despised by the people who caused a rebellion, leading Nero to commit suicide. The rule from Tiberus to Nero is known as the Julio-Claudian Dynasty. 

A large power gap was left after Nero’s death and in 69 AD is remembered as “The Year of the Four Emperors.” Eventually Vespasian took power ruling for 10 years and his sons continued what is known as the Flavian Dynasty. Under Vespasian, Rome stabilized, continuing the cycle of the situation getting out of control under an incompetent emperor and then being saved by a good emperor. Some notable events during the Flavian Dynasty include: the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD under Vespasian and the Colosseum in Rome being constructed in 80 AD under Vespasian’s son Titus. Roman art and engineering flourished during this time as impressive aqueducts were built and many works of art were made, being almost completely copied off of Greek art. 

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