Alligators are amazing, admirable, awesome animals. These ferocious Reptiles can be found in the Southeastern United States especially in states like Florida. Floating harmlessly like a mere log, these creatures are actually lying in wait to murder you. Enormously, some species can actually weigh 1,000 pounds and reach 15 feet! Crocodiles, unlike Alligators are insanely aggressive and will tear you to shreds if you dare to come near. Chomping and biting, every year Crocodiles savagely slaughter hundreds of people in the Nile River. If anyone steps in to there prized territory, then the Crocodiles will rip you in half and throw your body to be washed away in the River. Alligators and Crocodiles, although they are scary, scaly, and sneaky Reptiles, are still admirable Creatures.
Gabriel, These are crazy scary creatures. You are correct; they are beautiful but I sure don’t EVER want to come face-to-face with one!😱
Gabe makes me afraid to go in the water! I will just observe from afar!
Love you