We took the boys downtown yesterday to watch the annual Christmas parade. Miss Lorrie, Mr. Kendal, Haylie and Savanah went with us, and it was a glorious day of fabulous floats and loud marching bands, although I think the dudes were as enamored with the parked police cars (with blue lights on) maintaining the periphery of the parade route.
Gabriel, Daniel, Zeke & Houston get zany during a pumpkin-patch outing in October.
We then had a late-lunch feast at Red Robin. This was Houston, Gabe and Zeke’s first time to the kid-friendly establishment, and they thoroughly enjoyed the eats with their friends. The 3 Amigos conducted themselves very well, with Zeke being the calm one at the parade and the most mannerly at the restaurant.
This good behavior was a continuation from our Friday-night excursion to a nearby Mexican joint. Our hungry boys acted with decorum, making us quite proud. However, they did let their imaginations run a bit wild over some of art in the restaurant. Gabriel got a little spooked over a longhorn skull … pretty understandable, I think.
But strangely enough, Zeke decided he was scared by a painting of a man riding a donkey. Our oft-dramatic child actually shed real tears when passing by the picture during our exit.
Sprinter Gabe races around the patch at full speed.
“He’s just a guy who needs to make his way through the village,” I reassured Zeke. “He doesn’t have a car, so he has to ride a donkey. No big deal.” But a determined Zeke decided the man was no good and eventually convinced bros of the picture’s evil nature, as well.
Daddy says Zeke’s penchant for theatrics and talent for charming manipulation will enable him to be a successful trial lawyer when he grows up. My current guess at future occupations for the other amigos is “temperamental, sensitive artist” for Gabriel, and “lofty orator,” like a politician or professor, for Houston.
Some big news: After much thought and consideration, and many prayers, Stephen has decided to take a new job. It’s a great career opportunity for him and some extra income for the family, but it will require hard work, communication and discipline on both of our parts, since the new gig entails some travel — a challenge for sure, but definitely manageable, if we play our cards right.
Houston & Zeke bring Uncle Greg a horde of gourds.
Some other news: Stephen and I had our elder interviews at church today. We shared our testimonies, answered questions about our faith journey, and discussed our missional goals for the future, thus, completing the final step in the process of becoming official members at Westover. Awesome!
Lesser news: Zeke has officially kicked his thumb-sucking habit; our new nighttime policy is certainly not a sure cure for the last-stand antics of the sleepy child, but it has drastically improved the bedtime ritual; and the Easter elf (our version of Elf On the Shelf: a bunny in “magic” elf pants) has been keeping a constant eye on the boys, reporting back to Santa any naughty or nice behavior.
Click the above photo to check out pre-Halloween pics from our visit to the Mount Pisgah pumpkin patch with Moms Club.
Great news about the thumb sucking; too bad about the man on the donkey. You never know with kids.