After the fall, humans multiplied to a large number. However, they were extremely wicked, so much so that God had observed that every action and thought man did was evil. God had even regretted making man and sought to destroy every man and beast on the face of the earth. Although one man and his family had found grace in the eyes of God. His name was Noah, and he was the only righteous and just man in existence. He had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japeth, who also had wives and children of their own. Seeing that he was a virtuous man, God decided to spare Noah and his family, but destroy the rest of humanity. God instructed Noah to build an ark that would have to hold all of his relatives, as well as two animals of every kind, one male and one female. After they entered the ark, God brought heavy rains that lasted 40 days and 40 nights to flood the earth, which was sufficiently flooded and would stay like that for 150 days. Some time later, Noah sent a dove out of the ark seeking anything that would show dry land had formed, but the dove came back to the ark with nothing. Multiple attempts later, Noah sent out the dove and waited patiently. Once the seven days were completed, the dove returned with an olive branch, signifying that end of the flood. Finally, the ark came to dry land and God told both Noah’s family and all the animals to be fruitful and multiply. The Lord promised to never again curse the earth with a catastrophe such as the flood. A rainbow appeared, which is a sign of God’s oath.
This is a very clear example of what the Lord can do. Isn’t it extremely sad that on the entire planet earth Noah’s family were the ONLY ones true to Him.