Houston & Mommy Hit the Road

Houston poses with Gramsey & Papa in late April 2008.

Houston and I went up to Virginia to see family and friends for a few days in late April. We missed Daddy a bunch, but we had a great time seeing Gramsey and Papa, Aunt Lisa and Dina, and cousins Casey, Rick, Meredith, David and Kara.

Houston with family up in Virginia in late April 2008.

We also got to see Mommy’s oldest friend, Ingrid, and her children Quinn, Ellie and Mia. Houston immediately loved Ingrid and had a blast swinging with her and playing with the kids. We hope to see all of our Virginia loved ones again soon. 

Houston with Quinn, Ellie, Ingrid & Mia in late April 2008.

Use these links to see the photos from our Trip To Virginia and pics of Houston crawling in Late April 08.

Speaking of crawling, Houston continues his crab-like crawling using the one knee. However, other times he uses no knees and both feet instead, looking more like a monkey than a crab. His speed has improved, too, wearing out Mommy and Daddy in the process.

Houston crawling like a pro in April 2008. 

Houston is busy practicing other skills, like trying to stand from a sitting position, standing with no hands once up and just increasing his all-around balance and agility. Seriously, he will be walking soon, which will make me happy, since crawling is such a dirty thing; it’s as if he’s a little mop, picking up every speck of dirt and goo on our floors, no matter how clean. 

Houston showing off his 5 teeth in April 2008.

Houston has sprouted another tooth on his upper gum, so he now has three up top and two on the bottom. He enjoys showing them off with his dazzling snaggle-tooth grin, as well as biting on anything he can get his hands onto and ripping the item through his pearly whites. And he can usually get his hands onto anything he sets his mind to. We like to call him Stretch Armstrong, since his arms and hands seem to reach well beyond their tiny dimensions. 

Meeting baby Matthew in April 2008.

Houston’s spring has been full of fun. He still likes taking walks with the neighborhood mommy brigade and their respective kids; he plays with Dixie as much as possible; he got to meet baby Matthew, the newborn of our pals Alan and Beth; he looks forward to going nuts at the church nursery every week; and he just adores being outdoors, like during a recent impromptu cook-out we had with our next-door neighbors (click here to see those pics), at an annual party our neighbor Kay threw on Saturday night or just when Mommy attempts to get some yard work done.

Houston & Heather having fun grilling out. 

And to view all the updated images in Early April 08, including lots of new crawling photos, click here. 

One thought on “Houston & Mommy Hit the Road

  1. The picture of Houston showing his two “new” teeth with food all over his face, is the cutest picture of him so far. It is just precious!

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