“He’s Always Doing Lots of Things”

Houston staying busy with his rings.

That’s what Stephen says about Houston these days. It’s as if he has to constantly be touching, eating, poking, pulling and banging on anything and everything he can get his grubby little hands on. If we could only harness the energy of the world’s babies to power our planet, the alternative fuel debate would be over.
Another one of our favorite sayings is “He thinks the world is his Jump-n-Go.” It is no matter to him that jumping up and down might not be the best idea when Mommy or Daddy is holding him in a standing position on their laps or trying to encourage him to walk on the floor. Rather, bouncing is of the utmost import and must be relished by all involved. For more of Houston playing with his rings and other early-mid February pics, click here.
Other favorite things as of late:
*Shaking his head back and forth as if he’s saying “no.” Whether sitting or laying down, the “no” head-swaying always makes for a good laugh (and a presumably dizzy little boy).
*Feeding himself tofu, chicken (baked in apple juice by Mommy) and cheese (Monterey Jack, to be specific). He’s not one to turn away the spoon, but he just loves using those busy little fingers to pick up food and shove as many pieces as possible into his mouth, giving Mommy many a gray hair in the process.
*Doing what we think is his attempt at singing. I don’t know how to describe it other than he often holds a sustained note when we’re singing to him, while other times starting on his own, inspiring us to song. Once we harmonize, sweet sing-along sounds fill the house with joy.

Houston spazzing out in his playpen.

*Sitting solo and getting busy in his playpen. The playpen fun was definitely contingent upon Houston being able to sit up for longer periods of time without falling over. His sitting stability has definitely reached new heights, and thus, the whole new playpen world is now open for his exploration.
*Officially enjoying bath time. Houston no longer seems apprehensive while in the tub. Instead, kicking and splashing as much water onto Mommy and the bathroom walls and floor make all that annoying cleaning worthwhile.
*Laughing when Mommy tries to teach him to kiss. Houston’s not quite sure what he’s supposed to be doing, but drooling all over Mommy’s cheek seems like a pretty good use of time nonetheless.

Houston and Dixie checking each other out during their first play date in February 2008.

Houston had his first play date this week with Dixie (she’s the one he went trick-or-treating with). We often go walking with Dixie and her mom, Shawn. But Houston had a ball being free to really check out Dixie up close and personal, as well as play with her brother, Milton, and sister, Donni. Shawn and I plan on doing more play dates in hopes that Houston and Dixie will become good pals. Click here to view more play date and other late February photos.

Houston, Shawn and Milt at our Daytona 500 party in February 2008.

Speaking of neighbors, we had Shawn, her husband, Milt, and Dixie, and our next door neighbors Heather and Trey, and their daughter, Alissa, over to the house for a Daytona 500 party as thanks for all of them helping us out in various ways with our laminate flooring. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people as both neighbors and friends.
Lastly, I did an unofficial weight check of Houston today. According to my home scale, he is 21.5 pounds of pure, raucous boy! I only wish my legs were as muscular as my arms are getting by toting his massive body around all day long.

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