On this 4th of July, 2012, let us please remember the history of our incredible founding, the principles upon which the freedom-loving ideal is based, and the documents that were written as lamps to guide our feet during this great American experiment.
As a history junkie, I have read and studied Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, and James Madison’s U.S. Constitution and its enshrined Bill of Rights — the latter which was based on the writings of another famous Virginian, George Mason.
My home state has produced many exceptional political leaders (save Woodrow Wilson, who was merely born in the Old Dominion). Our state motto is Sic semper tyrannis — Thus always to tyrants! — after all.
On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivers his stirring & eloquent speech @Â St. John’s Church in Richmond.Â
During these pivotal times in our nation, we can wax philosophical about America’s libertarian roots or her federalist system of government. But instead, let us simply revisit the words spoken by yet another revered Virginian, the iconic statesman Patrick Henry.
Described as “the rhetorical backbone of the American Revolution,” Henry gave this famous oration at the Second Virginia Convention. It is fiery, yet cogent — explosive, yet reasoned.
Please take a few minutes this holiday to relax and soak in the words of the entire speech. And I’ll leave you with the passionate words of Henry’s conclusion:
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Rebecca, you writing is wonderful! I am so proud that you are my “daughter”. This needs to be published.
I lov you
Becky I agree with Judy; this is beautiful. When the kids get a little older I think writing a book might be a good idea. One could be on rearing 3 Amigoes, the good, the bad and the beautiful! Ha