Gabriel and Zeke made it to 32 weeks on Tuesday and are still hangin’ tough. On Monday, the babies had Dopplers, biophysical profiles and non-stress tests, and passed all three with flying colors. They are constantly moving around inside of me, and you can visibly see them pushing and kicking against their uterine bastille, as Stewie from “Family Guy” would say.
Check out the 4D photo of Zeke with his little hand over his eye taken a day before 32 weeks gestation. Note: There is no ultrasound pic of Gabriel from this day because his head was too far down into my pelvis to get a good shot. Can I get a hardy “Uggh!” from all the mothers out there?!?
As far as my physical health is concerned, my ligaments are stretching to unthinkable extremes, causing sensations akin to being hit by a sledgehammer right in the crotch; my nerve endings are tweaked to hell, causing sharp burning pains across the great expanses of my ever-stretched stomach; and my bladder is being squished by two growing boys, causing incessant, yet fairly unfruitful trips to the toilet.
Mentally, all of us here at Clan Dillingham are drained, growing weary and counting down the days till we can finally meet and hold sweet Gabriel and Zeke. What a magical moment that will be for everyone who has sacrificed so much to make darn sure that these boys be born healthy and safe.
Houston is saying all sorts of words these days, like binky, hot, Stanley, bubbles, more and pumpernickel (his favorite type of bread), and continuing to sign up a storm. Some of his new signs include airplane, light, baby and drink.
We are currently trying to get a handle on Houston’s nap schedule. He was still taking two good naps a day up until recently, when he started taking only hour morning naps and fighting his afternoon snooze, leaving him ornery and utterly exhausted by bedtime. Gramsey and I did get him down for a second nap just a while ago, so who knows what the next stage of “toddlerhood” holds for us. Luckily, Houston does still sleep soundly throughout the night, spanning anywhere from 11 to 13 hours of restful slumber. Like his grandmothers say, Houston’s a boy who plays hard and sleeps hard.
Click the wheelbarrow photo to see some recent photos of Houston and company from late September.Â