Greek Geniuses and Government

The Greek Poet Homer.

To this day Ancient Greece has immense influence. It had many brilliant scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, and poets, like Homer. 

Homer was a Greek poet and writer. He created epic poems, which are poems in the form of a story and are often about myths and legends. Homer’s first composition “The Iliad” recounts the history of the Trojan War. This struggle lasted from 1260-1180 B.C. and started when Menelaus’s wife Helen was stolen by Paris, king of Troy.

Homer’s second epic poem “The Odyssey” was about the adventures of Odysseus, who was the king of Greek town. This tale is about Odysseus trying to make it back home to his family after the brutal and bloody Trojan War.

Another great epic poem is “The Aeneid.” Written by the Greek poet Virgil, the fictional narrative is about the founding of Rome by a Trojan prince named Aeneas, who tried to found a new Trojan empire with his father in what is today modern-day Italy. Because it teaches us about what may have been the roots of Roman civilization, this story is important to study.

Greek Government consisted of 4 types: Anarchy, Oligarchy, Monarchy, and Democracy. 

In Anarchy, there are no laws, while Oligarchy is a small group of people controlling the government. The kings of Greek Monarchy were called Tyrants. Today we think of “Tyrant” as being an oppressive ruler or king, but it used to mean simply being king.

Notably, Democracy came to power in the city-state of Athens. Democracy comes from the Greek words “Demos” and “Kratos” which together mean “Rule by the People.” In a Democracy, the council acted like a judge and would swiftly decide someone’s fate if he committed a crime. If a council member didn’t serve the people well, then he would get punished, like banishment for 10 years.

Durable. Creative. Inventive. Greece is still one of the most significant civilizations ever. Countries around the world still use the same governments and study the awesome works of the Greek geniuses.

One thought on “Greek Geniuses and Government

  1. Since this paper was written in 2020 and it’s now 2023 it not only seems old, it is old!!????
    However, it was still interesting.
    You know that I am just being silly. I love everything you guys write.
    Take care,
    Love you, Gramsey

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