Gabriel & Zeke Turn 2!

The biggest news of October was that Gabe and Zeke had their 2nd birthday on 10/16. We kicked things off by visiting Steeple Hill Farm, which featured hayrides, pumpkins galore, plenty of farm critters to pet and/or feed, a corn maze, and both an “enchanted” and “butterfly” forest. It was a gorgeous morning and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the seasonal festivities.

Gabe & Zeke start their birthday morning off by hunting for woolly worms on the corn maze.

Then later that afternoon, we had folks over to the house for some more outdoor recreation, including an impressive campfire (built by Stephen) in our newly constructed fire ring (built by me). We toasted s’mores and hot dogs, pigged out on cupcakes and ice cream cones, and just vegged out while we celebrated the twins first two years. They might be double trouble, but Gabriel and Zeke are such a blessing, and this fun-filled day was a perfect reflection of that fact.

The birthday boys wreak havoc in the “enchanted forest.”

The twins had their two-year check-up on 10/18. Zeke weighed 30 pounds and measured at 33 3/4″ high. Gabe was just shy of those numbers, coming in at 29 1/2 pounds and 33 1/4″ tall. We also started them on their alternative vaccine schedule with the doc giving them one shot that day. He also notified me that there are a few vaccines Gabe and Zeke can skip since those particular ailments no longer pose a risk to them by age 2. Very cool.

“I hope I can build campfires as good as Daddy,” thinks Zeke.

The rest of the month consisted of an overnight visit from Gramsey and Papa; our weekly constructive appointments with Miss Pat; hitting the Y on Fridays; trunk-or-treating at Greg and Meredith’s church on 10/27; and then trick-or-treating in the neighborhood on Halloween (more details about those ghoulish good times when I get the pics edited and into gallery).

And we’re kicking off November by taking the kids with us to vote in the oh-so-important midterm elections tomorrow. Yee haw!

A chilly Gabriel warms up around the campfire w/ Mommy.

Starting at the top and moving your way down, click each photo to check out all the pics from Gabriel and Zeke’s birthday. (Thanks to Granny for snapping shots while my hands were full, as well as our neighbor, Miss Heather, for sharing her photos.) Be sure to also check out the three cute additions at the end of the October gallery.

One thought on “Gabriel & Zeke Turn 2!

  1. Wow! What a great 2nd birthday! Looks like everyone had a super time. These kids are so very fortunate to have parents like you two and the Dillinghams as grandparents. Looks like all 3 kids had a suger “high”. I especially liked the pic Gabe & Mommy 3; although, all of the pics are unforgettable; so much love!

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