Free Comic Book Day

We attended this fabulous event at Daddy’s local comic book store the first weekend of May. And considering that the annual giveaway entails waiting in line on a sidewalk in a strip-mall parking lot for hours on end, amazingly, the jaunt was a smashing success!

We were particularly impressed with Zeke, who was the trouble-maker on the previous family outing. Sure, we understand he’s going through the throes of the terrible twos, and that his strong-willed spirit has served him well in life — certainly helping him survive TTTS, the NICU and CCAM surgery, and deal with an umbilical hernia, acid reflux and now asthma — but tantrums suck and have to be dealt with in productive ways. So, I pick and choose my battles with the contrarian, and always have to plan ahead for outings, notably those with the whole clan.

First crush: Zeke & Wonder Woman bond @ Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 7.

Having brought two cars to the event helped to take some pressure off. And then the presence of an attractive Wonder Woman, who seemed to be immediately fond of the 3 Amigos, didn’t hurt in setting the day’s mood either. In fact, “Woman,” as Zeke lovingly refers to her, had a special thing for Z-Bird.

There was even this humorous moment toward the end of the boys’ three-hour stint when WW checked in on the boys, and an exhausted Zeke gave an eye-level stare at her thigh while standing and then a fatigued gaze at her breast as she held him. Obviously, this interplay provided much comedy for the nearby comic geeks.

As far as the other 2 Amigos go, Houston was shy at first and a bit overwhelmed by the super-hero aura. Gabriel was awestruck, as well, but was also a tad whiney and needy. The fact that we stood in line with the Hydes and that the boys were able to play with Matthew and Jonathan helped to pass the time and keep the kids’ unruly behavior at bay. Thank goodness for friends and super-heroes.

Not only did we have happy children that day, we had a happy Daddy. I took the boys home in our “escape car,” so Daddy could stay to score some cool sketches and autographs, as well as spend some time with Auntie Merdy and Uncle Greg.

The nicest Captain America ever shares his shield w/ the 3 Amigos.

Unfortunately, the day following our comic-book merriment, sickness again infested our home. By the evening, the kids had slightly red, goopy eyes. But because the symptoms weren’t that acute, I chocked it up to seasonal allergies and not something serious. We did our normal routine the first part of the week. But by Wednesday, the kids’ eyes had worsened, and both Gabriel and Zeke had intermittent fevers throughout the day, so it was apparent we should institute a self-quarantine.

That night, the boys awoke to the frightening realization that they were unable to open their eyelids because of encrusted sappy secretions. Poor Gabe, both of his eyes were sealed. To top it off, Zeke had a temperature more than 104°. Tylenol brought it down, but it was obvious this ailment was getting worse, not better.

The next morning, Stephen called our inept pediatrician and explained the fevers and eye conditions, to which he queried, “And what would you like me to do about it?” Yeah, we’ll be finding a new pediatrician really soon. Luckily, not all the docs in our area are that lame, and we were able to go see a great physician at our frequented trusty-worthy family medicine practice.

Turns out, that the kids indeed had pinkeye, and Gabriel and Zeke have ear infections in both ears to boot. Dr. Sharon prescribed eye drops, which almost immediately cleared up the nasty and annoying symptoms of the pinkeye. She also put Gabe and Zeke on strong antibiotics, which took a few days to start working, but have now (along with a regimen of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen) done away with their ear pain and high fevers. Thank God for modern medicine and docs who actually give a hoot about their patients.

“Super-Mom-Super-Wife-Super Tired” Girl & Green Lantern brandish their awesome power rings.

Since the twins have been fever-free since Saturday and the pinkeye will no longer be communicable after five days, we are set to get back to our fun-filled schedule as of tomorrow, and just keep on trying our best to get and stay healthy. Even though it seems as if there’s always some malady lurking around the corner, the doc encouraged us by saying that these viruses and infections aren’t for naught: each time the kids get sick, they build antibodies that will in turn prevent future illnesses. One can only hope.

So yeah, the bad news for the kids is that they missed out on strawberry picking with Moms Club, a free bluegrass festival, church, and playdate at Matthew and Jonathan’s house. But the good news is that Grumps is feeling good these days, so Granny came to visit last weekend — first time since January! She helped me sanitize the toys and wash a ton of possibly infected laundry, since instances of pinkeye reinfection are fairly common.

Granny also gave us a break on the parenting front. I finally dyed my hair and went for a haircut, and then got my 90-minute massage. Very nice. Stephen caught up on sleep, since his sinus infection has worsened as of late. Thanks a million, Granny!

“Hot Guy” Spidey thrills the kids w/ his appearance. (Check out the sketch this stoner got artist Ryan Dunlavey to draw for him.)

Miscellaneous happenings, random thoughts:

  • As if my hectic life weren’t enough, I received a summons for jury duty. I’m going to request an excusal, but if I don’t get it, I’ll just wear my Fair Tax button on my Ron Paul t-shirt while carrying my messenger bag that features a “Don’t Tread on Me” patch to the jury assembly room. That should get me recused, for sure.
  • We had “Christmas In May” today. I gave into Houston’s occasional pleading for holiday entertainment. We watched “Rudolph” and “The Grinch,” and read “Frosty the Snowman.”
  • Zeke’s obstinate behavior has even shone through for Miss Pat our last couple times at speech therapy, but Gabriel has totally made up for it. He recently mastered Who, What, When and Where questions with much depth and detail. Pat said that this was not only a milestone for Gabe, but that it’s also pretty advanced for his age.
  • Miss Lorrie and I have taken the boys swimming at the Y twice now. All have improved in just two aquatic outings, exhibiting greater skill, comfort and bravery by the second lesson. I also made the mistake first time around of getting them all cleaned up in the family locker post-swim. Way too crazy. Now I just dry ’em off and load ’em up. Much smarter.
  • In late April, I went to another doc to try to tackle my sinus infection, which is still lingering a bit. In addition to some helpful meds, I also got a physical and some blood work done to rule out that anything major might be wrong. After all, I’ve been extremely ill four times this year. But I’m fine, thankfully, other than some slightly elevated lipids.
  • All the boys love to chant and sing, and even make up their own songs. Zeke’s recent creation is a lilting “Going up, going down, going up, going down.” Quite a lovely ditty.
  • Driving around with the boys is a chatter-infused adventure. These are some recent musings of the twins: “Look, Mommy, McDonald’s … Taco Bell … Wendy’s … Happy Easter, church … Mom’s Club church (where we have our monthly socials) … pretty house … hiking trail … firemen … apple store (Lowe’s Foods) … lion store (Food Lion) … lake … flags.”

Houston proudly poses w/ one of his favorite Marvel anti-heroes, Deadpool. (Click this pic to see all the photos.)

  • Houston, on the other hand, is a total backseat driver. He already knows about right turn on red, yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, speed limits, passing in the lefthand lane and a variety of other driving-related rules. I bet he knows more motor vehicle laws than your average driver.
  • Speaking of driving, getting stuck behind a Prius, especially when motoring uphill, totally sucks. What doesn’t suck is the Foo Fighters’ new CD, Wasting Light. Absolutely awesome.

Early May milestones

  • Both Gabriel and Zeke finally figured out how to climb out of their cribs. Needless to say, the bedtime shenanigans (especially considering that Houston is also sleeping in the twins’ room now) are at an all-time high. It is not uncommon to put them down in their own beds and find them all piled on top of one another in a single crib later. Wake-up time has become a new adventure, as well.
  • Houston put on his socks and shoes for the first time all by himself. He is surely no master at the task as of yet, but he loves to try.
  • Houston experienced his first real fight. Two boys at a playdate allegedly ganged up on him and one bit his finger. They said he started it and he said they did, further justifying himself by adding, “But Mommy, I was defending myself.” All is well amongst the dudes now, but it was definitely a teachable moment.
  • Big bro has also taken to heading up the twins’ potty training. He is always encouraging them, showing them the ropes and just being such a positive force. I even woke up one morning to find that Houston had gotten Gabe on the little potty, while he went on the big potty. Now why Gabe was totally nude is still unclear. Zany boys.

One thought on “Free Comic Book Day

  1. What can I say about all of the pictures; they are all great!
    Also, so much going on with illness, comic book stuff, it has made me tired just reading. (Ha)

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