Franky the Fir, Acid Reflux & More

We headed to Granny and Grumps’ mountain house for Thanksgiving — our first road trip with the entire posse since April.

Sure, it was exhausting: the packing, unpacking, repacking and unpacking again; the stress of keeping the twins controlled and/or restrained in their new environment; the long drive up, with Gabriel screaming and Houston crying, “Go home;” and the long drive back, with Houston whining about wanting to live in the mountains with “Ganny.” (Our drama dude, Zeke, did the best while on the road, just chilling and sucking his thumb.) However, the family fun made it completely worth the effort.

Houston as a snowman while @ the choose-and-cut tree farm.

The funniest memory happened on the day we decided to buy our first choose-and-cut Christmas tree from one of the many tree farms that pepper the slopes of Western North Carolina. While trucking up the steep hill to Sugar Plum Farms, we remembered that the mini-van was on empty when we got to the mountains two days earlier. We decided to stay on course to the farm, since we had almost arrived.

Then Granny informed us that the only gas station en route home only took cash, so we figured that left us only enough money for one tree. Sweet Granny, who was already lending us the cash, said we could use the dough for our tree, instead of hers.

I had wrapped the boys up for the cold day, but didn’t have any gloves or mittens for them, and didn’t realize how treacherously chilly the wind was. Stephen and I held the twins while we waited in line for the hay ride up to the top of the mountain where you choose your tree, and Granny kept Houston busy visiting Santa and exploring the grounds. By the time our ride had arrived, Gabriel and Zeke’s hands were freezing, and our arms were fatigued from holding those heavy hoodlums for 1/2 hour.

Houston sits proudly w/ Franky the Fir atop the clan mini-van.

Despite our elements, the boys loved the loud tractor-pulled ride up. But the second we arrived, Granny and I decided to hop back on and take the twins back to the van for warmth and bottles. Granny tended to them, while I went to find her then-lost camera. On the way to the gift shop (which is where Granny left the camera), I noticed the long line of cars with families waiting to claim their trees. I talked with Darryl, the co-owner of the farm, who was in charge of tying trees onto people’s car rooftops; I explained that we didn’t have enough gas to sit in line and asked if we could retrieve our tree tomorrow. He said, no problem.

Meanwhile, Stephen and Houston were on the mountaintop for tree duty. Not quite sure what to do, Stephen asked some other folks who seemed in the know (they had their own gloves and a saw), and they said to find the tree you want and saw it down. Saw-less and chilled to the bone, Stephen asked a Mexican laborer to chain saw the tree he and Houston picked out for us: a perfect 4′ Frasier Fir, that we lovingly named Franky the Fir.

Once we gathered up the troops, Stephen put the van in neutral for our downhill departure, and we virtually coasted into to the gas station. Already having a good laugh about our zany adventures by the time we got back at Granny’s house, we decided that choosing and cutting a tree from Sugar Plum Farms would be a great way to kick off our yearly holiday traditions. But next year, we’ll be a lot more prepared.

An initially reluctant Zeke finally accepts the stylin’ mohawk Mommy gave him.

Last Wednesday, the twins had their appointment with the pediatric gastrointestinal specialist, Dr. Clark. He said Zeke has acid reflux and prescribed him Prevacid, and informed us that Gabriel was at the tail end of his infantile vomiting and didn’t need any further treatment (unless, of course, the puking was to rear its ugly head with a vengeance). Stephen and I had pretty much surmised both of these diagnoses, but figured we might as well bring both babies to the doc, just in case. To make sure Zeke’s condition isn’t something else, he is getting a diagnostic x-ray/fluoroscopy procedure done on 12/23.

Here are the stats from the appointment: Zeke’s weight is 22 pounds, 14 ounces, and he is 30″ long; Gabriel’s weight is 23 pounds, 10 ounces, and he is 29 3/4″ long. The fact that Zeke weighs less, but is taller than Gabe has allayed my paranoia that Zeke’s incessant puking had somehow stunted his growth. Plus, the doc said both boys’ measurements fall within the “normal” range for their age.

The medicine seems to be helping Zeke, although it has not yet been a 100% cure. Zeke still tends to be a bit pukey in the morning and then it fades as the day progresses. It has, however, noticeably improved. Not only does our Z-Bird seem happier, it’s also so much more enjoyable playing with him now that he doesn’t constantly wreak of vomit and we’re not so anxious about the next impending mother-load of goo to drop. A welcome change, for sure.

A delighted Gabriel shows off his newly acquired walking skills.

Yes, Zeke has had a rough ride in his short life: being the stuck twin during TTTS, and having the CCAM, lung surgery, the umbilical hernia and now reflux. But Zeke seems to have lucked out of one minor thing that has stricken both of his brothers: sensitive skin. As you know, Houston has eczema and has to be lubed up with special lotions and ointments on a daily basis. And now Gabriel’s often-times splotchy chin and cheeks, and dry, bumpy nose must be tended to with the same zeal. Stinks for Gabe, but I’m sure Zeke is relieved his brother finally got something.

Other happenings:

  • Like taking his walking cues from Zeke, Gabriel is now clapping with gusto.
  • Yet, Gabriel was the first to do both the “eat” and “more” signs. Zeke followed suit.
  • Gabriel still really likes to dance, especially when Mommy’s singing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” with jingle-bell accompaniment.
  • Zeke points at everything and murmurs cute little sounds about the respective object(s).
  • When the cats grace us with their presence, Zeke tries to “meow.” Gabe “talks” excitedly in their general direction.
  • Zeke also finds great fulfillment in sticking his index finger up his nose, while simultaneously sucking his thumb — quite the feat!
  • The twins are finally finding pleasure in Mommy reading books to them.
  • Zeke, already obsessed with blankets, has a penchant for fleece. He and Houston will sometimes play with/battle for possession of Houston’s Ho-Ho blankie.

Miss Heather’s Play-Doh skills are far superior to Mommy’s, as evidenced by this snowman family she and Houston created.

  • As if play time isn’t crazy enough, both Houston and Zeke get a kick out playing “ghose” (ghost) by pulling fleece blankets over their heads, while walking around, bumping into walls, slipping and falling down.
  • Houston is keen on saying “close eyes” while doing the action and having the aforementioned results take place, minus the blanket. (Yet, he won’t close his eyes to have his face washed during bath time. Curious.)
  • Houston thinks all lights we see at night are holiday lights. For instance, when he sees solar lights lining a sidewalk, he excitedly says, “Wook, Mommy. Cwis-mis lights!”
  • He also likes saying, “Mommy, calm down,” when I’m boisterously singing Christmas songs, or “Nuff, bruv-uhrs,” when the twins are getting too loud and rowdy.
  • On 12/5, we took the kids to see Santa at the mall. Houston asked for a “jungle gym” and talked about Rudolph.
  • Not even a week ago was the first time I tended solo to all three boys in the living room. Since then, they’ve greatly improved in branching out of their baby-proofed nursery into the other, more discipline-centric spaces of the home. What a relief they’re starting to turn that corner.

Smothered in spaghetti sauce, Gabriel (left) and Zeke get spazzy after their lunchtime carb fix.

  • On 12/12, Houston made his first trip to the vet with Mommy. He liked the adventure, but is still perplexed as to why we put “Bob in box,” as well as why his toy Corvette car has nothing to do with the cat’s trip to the doctor.
  • That evening, Daddy and I took everyone to Wal-Mart for a huge shopping trip. I won’t say it was exactly fun, but everyone did surprisingly well (except for Mommy, who was pretty stressed out the whole time).
  • Tonight, we took the kids to see a Living Nativity with live people and animals. Houston liked the presentation and loves learning all about “Jee-thus’ birt-day.”

Click the top photo of Houston at the farm to see the pics from our wonderful Thanksgiving up in the mountains. (Thanks to Granny for snapping all these cute shots.)

On another holiday-related note, click here to check out a few recent additions from Granny in the Halloween gallery.

And click the above photo of the twins eating to view all the December pics.

One thought on “Franky the Fir, Acid Reflux & More

  1. I’m so glad to hear about Zeke getting better with the acid reflux problem & I hope & pray that that is all that is wrong. I’m also happy that they fall within the “normal” range for their size; although I was never worried because I felt they were a very nice size. Because of the problems they have both faced in their short lives, it’s only natural for parents to worry. All 3 kids are just precious and sooo smart. I especially love the pic with spaghetti sauce all over their faces. The pic of Houston & Miss Heather is also adorable! Love you all.

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