Progress On All Fronts

“For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!”

– Psalms 139: 13-17

Gabriel at 30 weeks.

Well, I’ll be 31 weeks on Tuesday, and Gabriel and Zeke are still hangin’ tough, growing like crazy and beating my insides nearly nonstop. Their latest ultrasounds and biophysical profiles have been excellent, so if I can just make it another few weeks, the boys will hopefully not have to be subjected to a long-term stay in the NICU and can come home from the hospital with me. Click the ultrasound images to see some more 30-week photos. Don’t the boys look like Houston? And be sure to note Zeke’s unabashed crotch shot, which brought much pride to his Grumps!

Zeke at 30 weeks.

Everyone has been swamped around here, trying diligently to turn our former office into a nursery for the twins. We’ve moved a bunch of our office and music equipment into the master bedroom, and lots of random items have been put into into newly organized closets and the attic. During our fleeting Houston breaks, we’ve been busy been assembling furniture (Stephen), spray painting hand-me-down furniture (Gramsey) and washing newborn clothes (Granny). I, of course, have only been able to assist with recommendations and ideas, which is a pain for both me and others involved. The nursery is still light years from being ready for two little dudes, but we’re trying to dwell on the positive progress made and not the negative.

Running wild with Auntie Merdy in September 2008.

Houston has really grown accustomed to his (and Mommy’s) many caregivers: Gramsey during the week, Granny and Grumps on the weekends, and our good pal, Meredith, on Fridays. Click the above photo of Meredith and Houston to view all of the September pics. We try to make sure he has an occasional play date with some of his neighborhood buddies, like Dixie and Gracie, and he always enjoys hanging out in the church nursery on Sundays. Our social butterfly has also attended three birthday parties and a neighborhood bash since all this craziness began. Click the photo below to check out Houston having a ball at Gracie’s 2nd birthday party. 

Going nuts at Gracie's birthday party in September 2008.

In addition, some ladies from our church and a few gals from the neighborhood threw us two separate baby showers last weekend (click links to view photos). Since I’m on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy, both showers were held at our house. I did make myself look as presentable as possible, but I ate cake, chit chatted and opened gifts from my living-room lair (i.e., the pulled-out futon, which is always covered in an array of pillows and blankets). Being so utterly confined to the house for nearly 11 weeks now, it was wonderful to have so many caring people visit … just another reminder of how truly blessed we are!

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