The home stretch

As of this coming Tuesday, we’re done with Classical Conversations till September! The 3 Amigos and I are ready to wrap it up, especially since the original end date was in late March.

But because of all the snow days, here we are finishing up CC community in April, right before Easter. It has been a wonderful eight months of educational leaps and bounds by both the boys and their teacher (me)!

Gabriel and Zeke have shown great maturation in their respective classes. Gabe’s weekly presentations have vastly improved, and Zeke’s confidence to offer up answers has increased immensely.

This sassy cattle tries to reach Gabriel’s feed during our horse-drawn wagon ride through Lazy 5 Ranch, which is just north of Charlotte.

Zeke’s CC tutor even calls him a “crackerjack at history,” and Gabe’s tutor probably thinks the same about him. After all, all my boys are little history buffs, and their passion for geography is a close second. Just like their mama, the 3 Amigos are utterly intrigued by maps.

I’m so proud of the twins competently tackling this first year in CC. And am just as overjoyed at Houston’s big-boy handling over his second year in the classical program!

Just like last year, Cycle 2’s memory work was fun and exciting, but often pretty challenging. I mean, the dudes learned approximately 500 pieces of information. It was quite remarkable (as both a mother and home-educator) seeing their capabilities stretch, their capacities deepen, and their knowledge grow. What a blessing!

“Should I feed this guy or save my feed to ward off the obnoxious ostriches at the end of the wagon ride?” Houston ponders.

I’m such a proponent of homeschooling that I’ve been cheering on an increasing number of women at church who want to take the plunge. I even had a two-hour coffee date with a gal named Holly, just so she could pick my brain and I could offer up any helpful suggestions.

I’ve decided I’m unabashedly co-opting Timothy Leary’s 1960s mantra, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”  The famous hippie “urged people to embrace cultural changes through the use of psychedelics and by detaching themselves from the existing conventions and hierarchies in society.”

Well, home-based educators don’t need LSD to challenge the statist structure of government education or to tweak the norms of cultural conformity. We only a strong will and the grace of God to confront conventional authority, and then get ‘er done. Whatever encouragement I can give to spread the homeschool love, baby!

This critter’s strategy to cozy up Zeke in order to get grub doesn’t quite pan out. Luckily for all the other hungry animals, Zeke warms up to the feeding process once he spots some of his beloved Texas longhorns.

We had a couple CC outings in March. First, we trekked all the way to Lazy 5 Ranch. Visiting this unique drive-through exotic-animal park (which receives no state or federal funding) has been on our must-do list for a few years now, and it was totally worth the long drive south. So cool!

Then we attended “American Voices,” a children’s concert put on by the local symphony.  The kids, especially after having studied some great composers in CC this year, have quite a penchant for fancy music, so they truly appreciated the show.

The performance featured tunes by George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein, John Williams, and a few other notable homegrown composers. But the conductor also treated the kids to some trivia and a few stage antics, like people in a horse suit trotting out during a Western-themed song. He even took a pie in the face for the kids!

Here’s part of our CC crew @ Lazy 5: (from L to R) Tyrnan, Zeke, Eli, Knox, Briggs, Houston & Gabriel. Good times for sure!

While we’re on the topic of music, let me just say how impressive Houston’s piano playing has gotten. He was struggling with note recognition back in the fall and, thus, getting frustrated with practice. Then Miss Julie recommended a few iPad games to help him build this essential music skill … the strategy that worked brilliantly!

Once Houston became confident in his note reading, his dexterity and proficiency drastically improved, and his overall performance style is more polished and relaxed. Houston truly loves piano now … so much so, that I often have to pull him away from playing just so we can get other things done.

Houston and Stephen were even playing a duet the other night, with son on piano and father on guitar. It was such sweet music to my ears! Our hope is that Houston’s passion for piano will help motivate Stephen’s and my longtime goal of allocating more of our down time at home to playing music as a family.

While at the re-enactment of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, Gabriel pretends to be a Revolutionary War militia man w/ the help of his friend Eli’s wooden gun and tricorne hat.

The 3 Amigos are all playing baseball this spring. Houston is on a coach-pitch team, whereas Gabriel and Zeke are doing strictly t-ball.

They’re really into learning the many rules of the game, as well as the history of America’s pastime, and Daddy is more than happy to be a booster of their baseball enthusiasm. And just like the ultra-superstitious players in the big league, Houston even where’s the same socks to every game.

Stephen’s birthday was 4/5, and the kids wanted to buy him something with their own money. So, we carefully counted out $5 from each of their piggy banks, and went to Hallmark to shop around for something sentimental, yet affordable.

The result: a nice Tervis tumbler that reads, “Best Daddy Ever.” Yep. Glad my kind boys like showing their deserving daddy some sweetness and love!

Batter up! Zeke prepares to hit for his team, the A’s, during his first baseball game on 3/22.

This past week, Stephen and I road-tripped to Liberty University to attend a lecture by author, historian, Austrian-economics expert, chief architect of The Ron Paul Curriculum, founder of Liberty Classroom, host of a daily podcast, father of six, and all-around nice guy, Tom Woods. But to get to Lynchburg, we had to figure out what to do with our brood.

Luckily, my great friend, Christie, accepted the offer to have all three kids to her house for a sleepover. (Of course, I owe her the same favor with her three kids, which she is eagerly looking forward to cashing in.) Needless to say, Stephen and I enjoyed our “night off.”

But what’s funny is how starkly times have changed for this old married couple. It used to be we’d travel to Phish concerts and then pop in a tape of the band for the trip home. Now we travel to speeches by libertarian thinkers, and listen to podcasts about anarcho-capitalism after “the show.” Life sure is stranger than fiction.

Snapping the obligatory shot with the lecturer, here we are with Dr. Tom Woods: he is to libertarian thought what Trey Anastasio is to rock & roll.

Other March and April happenings:

  • Houston traveled to Virginia for a solo long weekend at Gramsey and Papa’s and got to hang with lots of Richmond family.
  • I got together with the remarkable women from my abortion-recovery class for the first time since we completed the 10-week study back in February 2012. A belated outing, so glad we finally made it happen.
  • We went to see the re-enactment of Battle of Guilford Courthouse, but Granny was in tow for this year’s historical fun.
  • Miss Jessie, who we haven’t seen since her wedding in January, stopped by the house for ice cream, catching up, and a little play time with the boys.

Lastly, if you haven’t donated to the Walk For Life, please consider doing so. Your generosity and support of this incredible, life-affirming ministry would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Carpe diem

I’m finally seizing the day regarding a couple longtime goals of mine.

ARBS volunteering

First, I began volunteering at our local pregnancy care center in February. Sure, I’m just in the shadowing phase, but I’m so excited that the ball is finally rolling on this worthy work.

I actually took part in training more than a year ago and even shadowed once in early 2013, but then something happened, or didn’t happen. I’m not really sure of the details. But the miscommunication and/or mishandling last winter was just enough for me to get wrapped up in all my other to dos and tasks.

Looking back now, I firmly believe it was the devil trying to deceive me into giving up on this purposeful plan. After all, he is the great liar who relishes in our culture of death and brokenness, and whispers excuses into the ears of all who care about life. Well, I won’t get fooled again!

The mass amounts of snow Carolina got in February let the kids to do all sorts of extreme physical feats, like Zeke’s death-defying pipe jump!

As opposed to being an advocate for women experiencing crisis pregnancies, which was my original objective, the Lord has since called me to the abortion-recovery Bible study (ARBS), a 10-week class for women who are trying to cope with the trauma of taking the life of their own child or children.

Whether the abortion was recent or long ago, women are created with a maternal instinct. And when that bond is broken — voluntarily through abortion or involuntarily through miscarriage — the woman can feel the emotional repercussions of that loss for a lifetime.

Choosing to end your child’s existence is not a simple matter, despite what the mega-million-dollar abortion industry and the mainstream media would have us believe. It belies the nature of women’s physical bodies, it wounds their hearts, and forever tears at their psyches.

Check out Houston’s makeshift snowboarding skills. Sure, he’d never attempted it before, but no better time to try than when there’s a whiteout going down in the South!

It’s interesting that those who are the most vehement supporters of abortion are the very ones harmed most by the grand conspiracy (minus the unborn, of course). Such is the cunning nature of the evil one. Tricky SOB.

It’s a Stockholm-Syndrome mentality in which these social hostages (post-abortive women) exhibit an ardent and passionate defense of their captors (the abortion racket), despite the physical and mental abuse they’ve endured. It’s irrational. It’s emotional. It’s sad.

But it’s how some humans handle such suffering and stress. It’s a dejected survival skill that has created an army of willful victims, martyrs for the movement, and collateral damage for the cause, as well as a brigade of proponent apologists and foot-soilder equivocators too numerous to mention.

Gabriel knows that blizzards are also a great time to hang w/ a snowman, make snow angels, & eat snow cream & drink hot chocolate w/ friends!

Thus, my aim is to facilitate in the healing of those who have come to understand the magnitude of lost life and the subsequent struggles of living with that monumental decision. It’s an enormous task, but with God’s grace, it can be done.

I know people who have participated in abortion-recovery and they are proof positive of the redemptive love of God’s healing. The ARBS experience helps to open their minds to the truth and their hearts to God’s love and forgiveness, thus, washing away grief and anxiety.

Through repentance and ultimate acceptance of dark past deeds, these women have not only been freed from the shackles of suffering, but they’ve also gained a strength to want to aid others in their own spiritual restoration. And true peace can only be found through the life-sustaining power of the Gospel, which is at the core of the class.

I am so blessed to even have a chance to serve in such a role, and I look forward to every challenge, every revelation, and meeting every unique woman. If you would, please pray for the pregnancy care center and the incredible life-affirming work they do joyfully in spite of the cultural jeers, political hurdles, and social derision.

On a recent toasty, spring-like afternoon, Houston & Gabriel hike around Liberty Loop w/ Jackson the day after his first-ever sleepover; what a treat to be able to host our sweet friend for such a monumental occasion!

Mercy Hill community group

Second, I’m finally involved in a weekly Bible study, which our church calls a “community group.” It’s a co-ed thing that both Stephen and I can attend.

Do you remember the Wednesday morning women’s group I went to a few times late last year? Well, that ended up not working out.

See, that’s the same day as the kids’ Awana, and trekking into twice in a day (with rushed homeschooling sandwiched in between) was just killing me. Then it seemed like every other group I looked into also met on Wednesdays nights, right during Awana.

I was further frustrated because one of the main reasons we left our former church was because Stephen and I felt like we never really “fit” into the two groups we tried out there. And we gave it quite the noble effort, considering we attended that church for two years.

Zeke (Batman) thoroughly enjoys dress-up during our greatly anticipated playdate w/ his best CC pal, Matthew (Optimus Prime).

So, attending a group has been another longtime goal of both mine because I know being in community is a necessary step in becoming a maturing follower of Christ and an integral part of being in relationship with Him.

Plus, it’s a great way to fellowship with other church members, make friends, provide and get support, and just have fun. Really, Bible study is fun: thought-provoking, soul-cleansing, spiritual-strengthening fun. So, yeah, I’m so psyched to be plugged into a warm and welcoming group filled with genuine folks!

Some additional coolness is that our church reimburses us for childcare to attend Bible study. And we’ve secured Callie, an amazing gal we know from CC, for the weekly babysitting gig. So nice to have all those details are worked out, too.

Gabriel hangs w/ Eli, a buddy from both CC & Awana, during a birthday party for another CC friend @ Build-A-Bear!

Learning & loving

I ditched using the iPod timer during Houston’s independent lessons soon after trying out the time-management technique. The mere presence of the tech tool was simply too much of a distraction, not to a tad stressful for him, as well.

What I do now is casually time him myself. I don’t let him know the exact amount of time; that way, he won’t obsess about the clock. Instead, I set an amount that I think would be efficient for him and then usually tack on an extra five minutes or so.

I do sometimes have to gently remind him to stay on track and/or encourage him to avoid dilly-dallying. But so far, this mellower method has proven pretty successful — a welcome tweak since Houston can sometimes be the “Slow Poke Rodriguez” of homeschooling when left to his own devices.

One thing that does bother Houston on occasion is Gabriel and Zeke’s volume. Even when they are behaving, they’re just some loud little dudes. And because of the doorless set-up of our living room and kitchen, I felt I had to get creative, instead of cracking the whip. Being a drill sergeant gets old really fast.

I almost forgot this Rebeeler self-portrait snapped down @ the bottom of Liberty Loop during the first day of the big southeast snowstorm on February 12. Brrrrrrrr!

So, I bought some children’s headphones and now let Houston listen to classic music on my iPod when he does solo work. This has been so effective with big bro that Gabriel and Zeke like to take part in the symphonic solution to our often noisy “two-room schoolhouse,” as well.

Homeschooling is oftentimes difficult and thankless, but there is surely a pay off when you see your kids making a discovery, embracing a newly learned concept, or retaining some nugget of information you were sure they hadn’t even heard you discuss.

Then every now and again, they’ll say something that just makes it all worthwhile. Houston recently told me, “I want to homeschool my kids, Mommy.” So, unless he just considers home-education a good way to torture his future offspring, I think I must be doing something right.

Houston loves tickling the ivories! Miss Julie even told me how impressed she is of his comprehension of notes & their various key positions on the piano — something that’s quite evident on his newfound improvisations.

Other February notables

  • We hosted a Boycott-the-Bowl Party with the J-Crew. No NFL, politically tinged sports commentary, commercial mania, or half-time show around here … just eating chili and chilling out with friends.
  • The boys and I saw the play “Hans Christian Andersen Tales” at the High Point Community Theater with CC.
  • Daddy took the boys to see “The Lego Movie,” with which the dudes have been obsessed ever since. Everything is awesome!
  • The clan drove to Danville to have dinner with Lisa, who was semi-nearby for work. Great seeing you, sis!
  • Houston attended Miss Julie’s Valentine’s piano party. He performed two songs, including one he had just learned the previous day. Way to go, Houston!