Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The new Cathedral of Christ the Savior was constructed in the ’90s and is the tallest Orthodox church in the world.

Joseph Stalin dynamited the original Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1931 in order to build his Palace of the Soviets – an overbearing modernist monument bedazzled with its mammoth statue to Lenin, the Bolsheviks’ socialist god. But with lacking funds, the onset of WWII, and flooding of the Moskva River, Stalin’s utopian vision came to a halt.

There sat the flood waters, until 1958, when Nikita Khrushchev decided turn the site into the world’s largest open-air swimming pool. Commies sure are clever when they wanna be.

Marble from the original church, as well as marble benches, were utilized in building the Moscow Metro. Luckily, many of the original high reliefs were kept at Donskoy Monastery, where they are still on display, like Dmitri Donskoy receiving his blessing from St. Sergius before the Battle of Kulikovo.

A reproduction of the Donskoy relief sculpture is on the rebuilt cathedral.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, fundraising to rebuild the cathedral began in earnest. By 1994, Moskva Pool was demolished and church construction commenced. The completed Cathedral of Christ the Savior was consecrated on the Transfiguration Day, August 19, 2000.

The original cathedral was a 19th-century structure which took 40 years to build. Tsar Aleksandr I said he wanted to construct a church as a memorial “to signify Our gratitude to Divine Providence for saving Russia from the doom that overshadowed Her.” The doom? The invader and conqueror Napoleon, who was finally forced to retreat from Moscow in 1812.

Here’s a panorama of the city from one of the terraces. You can see the Kremlin on the left-hand side of the shot, a few of Stalin’s Seven Sisters lining the landscape, and the Moscow River in the foreground.

Tchaikovsky’s “Overture of 1812” premiered here and much of the art inside tells of Russia’s proudest historical moments. Relics include John the Baptist and St. John Chrysostom.

I couldn’t get any photos inside because security was serious business (a common thing since the feminist band Pussy Riot desecrated the Holy space for a music video – thanks leftists!), but we did get some nice shots of the Moscow from the upper outdoor terraces.

An internet-found photo just so you can get an idea of what the interior looks like. If you ever happen to see footage of a Holy holiday being celebrated in Moscow where Patriarch Kirill is presiding and Putin is in attendance, chances are it’s at this cathedral. Here‘s video of Paschal Vespers from this famous church from this past Easter.

Overall, it is an overwhelming structure in size, beauty, history, and present-day significance, as its become a symbol of Russia’s Christian rebirth. The art and architecture was a little too “Western” for my tastes, as I much prefer “Eastern” imagery and Byzantine structures, but still, visiting the cathedral was quite an experience.

Sretensky: Cathedral of the Meeting of the Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir

Cathedral of the Meeting of the Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir.

This is the smaller house of worship in Sretensky. Built circa 1679, it is also 338 years older than Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors. It features relics of St. Mary of Egypt and a replica of the Shroud of Turin. Some of the older churches at the seminary (as well as elsewhere throughout Russia and former Soviet republics) were “disassembled” by the communists. Some of these razed Sretensky churches dated back to the 14th century.

The origin of the monastery’s name comes from “Sretenie,” which is the Church Slavonic word for “meeting,” since it was built on the spot where the Muscovites and Prince Vasily I had “met” the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir on August 26, 1395, when it was moved from Vladimir to Moscow to protect the capital from the Mongols’ sacking and raping. Soon thereafter, the invading armies retreated and the grateful monarch founded the monastery to commemorate the miracle.

In 1552, the Muscovites “met” again at the walls of the monastery to greet the Russian army returning home after the conquest of Kazan under Ivan the Terrible. This put an end to 100 years of Mongolian Khan rule in that city.

Another darkened “forbidden” photo, although the accentuated candlelight really does illuminate the space nicely.

A stunning relief sculpture. There’s something about the wood that made it seem so real.

An identical copy of the Shroud of Turin.

Another version of the Shroud in a different exposure. It’s amazing how clearly you can see Jesus’ face in this one. Wow!

Christ smashing the gates of hell.

Archangels protect the Shroud, which is housed on the bottom floor of the church.

St. Mary of Egypt’s relics. She is one of the only female saints to be shown scantily clad and without a head covering, as she was naked when St. Zosimas found her in the desert. She had been a prostitute (who sometimes wouldn’t even accept money for her pleasurable acts), but she was transformed from sexual deviant to devout and sanctified Christ follower.

More royal doors on the outer edge of the smaller cathedral.

St. Stephen the Protomartyr.

The warm glow of Holy light from the cathedral bids us farewell from the monastery.

Sretensky Monastery: Church of the New Martyrs & Confessors

Clan Dillingham at Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church with Aleksandr and his boys.

Sretenksy Monastery was founded in 1397 by Grand Prince Vasili I. This large gold-domed cathedral is Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors, featuring icons of Orthodox Christians who suffered under or died as a consequence of Bolshevism, such as St. Hilarion Troitsky, whose full body was in repose there.

This particular building was completed in 2017 to mark 100 years since the October Revolution, when Bolsheviks began their godless attacks against the Orthodox Church. The monastery is in an area called Lubyanka, which was known for its infamous Soviet prison. It was said that if you went to Lubyanka, you would never be seen or heard from again.

Cross to the New Martyrs.

Close up of some of the exterior architectural detail.

Look at that huge Orthodox cross relief-sculpted into the side of the church. How gorgeous is that?

New martyrs and confessors surround the inner dome.

Icon of the Russian imperial family, the Romanovs. Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra, their five children (Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei), and four servants (who chose to accompany them into imprisonment in Yekaterinburg) were shot and bayoneted to death by Bolsheviks in July 1918. There was great debate as to whether they were “martyrs” (people who are killed explicitly for their faith). But in 2000, the Moscow Patriarchate ultimately canonized the family as “passion bearers”: pious Christians who face death with resignation, in a Christ-like manner.

Another view of the dome where you can see the Romanovs among the new martyrs and confessors.

Icon of the Optina Elders.

St. Aleksandr Nevsky, 12th-century Christian who served as Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev, and Grand Prince of Vladimir during some of the most difficult times in Kievan Rus’ history.

A small chapel located above the large cathedral. A nice security guard let us check it out.

Sretensky Theological Seminary is within the monastery grounds.