“A life is a life, no matter how small”

The mantra from Dr. Seuss’ “Horton Hears A Who” is quite fitting for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday — a day that sheds light around the darkness that is federally mandated legalized abortion. Tuesday will mark 40 years since the U.S. Supreme ruled on the infamous Roe v. Wade and the lesser-known Doe v. Bolton cases.

All “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” — 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Since our founding, family law and police powers were left up to the purview of the states. Each one decided through the legislative process what its laws would be on everything from murder and the death penalty, kidnapping and domestic abuse, to abortion and rape.

The founders in their ultimate wisdom knew that such hot-button issues should be decided upon by the voters of each state. Thus, our diverse, often-disparate nation is supposed to be made up of 50 laboratories of democracy, since what works for one place might not jibe for another.

A “state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.” — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis

And if one state implemented an ultimately failing policy it was up to the people to either peaceably work to change the law or vote with their feet: the disaffected could move to another state, taking with them their productivity and money. After all, shrinking the tax base is always a great way to get the attention of legislators.

The founders understood that in a nation as large and varied as ours (approximately 300 million people today), one-size-fits-all edicts would only create strife and disunity. And leaving abortion up to the states had been how the issue was determined and regulated for some 200 years.

“We are all adopted in Christ … we belong to the Father, even when nobody else wants us.” — loosely based on Ephesians 1

But on January 22, 1973, the high court ruled on Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. The infamous Roe asserted that a woman has a right to an abortion until the “viability” of the baby, while the lesser-known Doe stated that a woman can obtain an abortion post-viability in order to protect her “health.”

Forget that as prenatal and neonatal medicines progress, viability changes and that it hasn’t been the constant the court hoped it would be. Or don’t worry that health was said to include “physical, emotional, psychological, familial (health), and the woman’s age.” What’s not health, right?

Forget that as sonography advances, people can plainly see a human form living, breathing and moving well before viability (including a heart beat at just 21 days). It’s not just a “blob of tissue,” which is how the “experts” often misleadingly describe the development of a first-trimester child.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb … I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” — Psalm 139: 13-14

Forget that everyone knows at least one woman who has had a surgical abortion, since the astounding stat is that one in four pregnancies in America end in induced abortion. And don’t worry that abortifacients are commonly distributed on some our nation’s college campuses in vending machines. That’s women’s health?

Forget that 55 million people’s lives have been snuffed out, especially concerning since western civilization is now experiencing depopulation. And don’t worry that nine lawyers in robes invented a right to privacy under the due process clause of 14th Amendment, enabling on-demand abortion to take hold and flourish, irregardless of the will of the people.

Whatever your opinion is on the science, the stats, the statutes, the logic or the emotion, you must admit, wouldn’t you like a voice, a say, a vote on the matter? Wouldn’t the legislative process be preferable to a monolithic edict by judicial fiat? Don’t you think that the citizens of each state should decide their laws on such a divisive, life-altering issues?

The personal is political

Personally, I don’t think Roe will ever be overturned; instead, the lucrative industry will probably be forever threaded in the fabric of our society. As the abortion lobby likes to say, it’s “the law of the land” (even though the judiciary’s role isn’t to craft law) and is also perpetuated at tax-payer expense, unfortunately.

So, I believe it is up to pro-baby/mommy/daddy folks to try to change hearts and minds, one person at a time. This often seems an insurmountable task, but the cause is a worthy one for sure.

Just because you can get a surgical abortion at virtually any stage of pregnancy and often obtain abortifacients without a prescription doesn’t mean you have to do so. There are other choices available to you. Information is key.

“It’s much easier to demagogue than it is to educate.” — Jason Lewis, author & radio talk-show host

One option is to donate to your local pregnancy care center to help them obtain equipment and personnel for offering its clients ultrasounds: the ultimate in prenatal education. Perhaps you could participate in fundraising efforts, since life-affirming centers typically don’t receive government funds (as they don’t want bureaucrats telling them how to run their organization).

You could also volunteer at a center as peer advocate. Or you could take part in an abortion-recovery class, should you be a woman (or man) who is feeling regret and grief due to your abortion experience.

In fact, I hope to facilitate such a class at my local pregnancy care center. I’ve already completed the volunteer training, so now all I have to do is shadow the current facilitator before I can actually serve in that role.

I truly feel called to this important work, as it helps those scarred by abortion find forgiveness and peace, as well as gain empowerment. Please pray that I can finally make this long-time goal happen in 2013!

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” — George Bernard Shaw (sure, he was a Fabian socialist, but I’m still co-opting this quote for my own ends)

At the very least, if you are life-affirming, speak up when you find yourself surrounded by “reproductive rights” types. Politely expressing an unpopular opinion, while informing folks of the facts is sometimes just what the party needs to get rolling. Here’s to bucking the status quo!

Be the driver, not the driven

Tuesday was our first day back to CC community for the new school year. I thoroughly enjoyed our well-deserved time off for the holidays, but I’m glad to be back into the swing of things.

A six-month undertaking, the “Original 13 Colony Flag Wall” (plus, Texas, Gadsen & Betsy Ross for good measure) was finally completed in late December. The dudes celebrate their awesome accomplishment!

Driving the organic schoolbus

And considering that “When do we go back to CC?” had been the kids’ refrain the second Christmas came to an end, I know the 3 Amigos are rested and ready for this semester’s adventures in learning. I suppose there’s something in all people, even the type-B personality, that craves routine and structure.

I (a naturally leaning type-A gal) am careful not to take regimen to an extreme, though. After all, this chaotic world requires sane people to sometimes make peace with disorder.

Also, letting go of rigid perfectionism and scheduling can open up the gates of creativity and spontaneity. In fact, this is often when we as a homeschool family to our best and most productive work.

Christie describes my teaching style as “organic,” to wit I always ask, “Is that just your nice way of calling me a slacker?” Ever-honest and sweet, Christie, of course, is seriously paying me a compliment.

With Uncle Albert’s police hat & an assembled Lego cop car, Zeke is ready to serve & protect.

I strive to be the driver, not the driven, and try to avoid letting the anxiety-inducing details and relentless inessentials cloud my simple educational mission. This is my guiding philosophy not just in home education, but also in politics and in parenting.

Driving the limousine liberals nuts

Remember back in a November blog when I wrote that freedom is increasingly perceived by the masses as being uncool? It’s one of the things the progressives and socialists do best — incrementally co-opt language — and they are brilliant at it.

For instance, a Georgetown University professor of law closed out 2012 by writing in the NY Times that America has a “dysfunctional political system” because of “our obsession with the Constitution … with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions.”

“But before abandoning our heritage of self-government,” concludes Prof. Seidman, “we ought to try extricating ourselves from constitutional bondage so that we can give real freedom a chance.”

The adorable bear hat Cousin Meredith gave Gabriel for Christmas brought out his primal, rugged nature while exploring the woods @ Gramsey & Papa’s.

In other words, freedom can only exist by getting rid of the very document that was designed to protect human liberty; and anything less than this is slavery. See how he so cavalierly dismisses history, and twists knowledge, truth and the meaning of words?

Knowledge & history: When not blatantly ignored by those sworn to uphold it, the Constitutional separation of powers and its methodical approach guard against despotism, mob rule and overreaching laws by purposefully slowing down the wheels of government. It is our safety net.

That is not archaic; it is as current as ever. There are more than 4,000 federal statutes on the books now. Honestly, who thinks we are lacking in the number of laws and need to speed up the pace at which bureaucrats usurp our liberties?

Houston does a convincing outlaw stance w/ the die-cast metal cap gun & holster Santa Claus brought him & brothers.

It is he, Seidman, who preaches a doctrine that is as old as time: the covetous want of power and influence (which always lead to loads of taxpayer cash) as his monarch sits atop the throne, coupled with a God-complex notion that he and his aristocratic brethren know what’s best.

Meaning of words: As a writer, this tool long used by propagandists — spanning the globe from tinpot dictatorships to imperial oligarchies, and fashionable fascists to homegrown authoritarians — is an annoyance I take rather particularly to heart. Here are some of my favorites:

“Choice” means “only the option the statists endorse,” “tolerance” means “acceptance,” “equality” means “equal outcome,” not “equal opportunity,” “fairness” means “redistribution of wealth,” “diversity” means “elevating one group over another,” “multi-culturalism” means “you should feel guilty,” “free” means “something that comes from legal plunder” and “self-defense” means being “pro-murder.”

To me, freedom is the “exemption from external control, interference, regulation” and the power to “act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint,” as long as your action doesn’t infringe upon another individual’s liberties.

To Seidman, freedom is government picks winners and losers, grants rights and has the purview to take them away, endorses group rights over the individual, and should be unstoppable in its efforts to grow the insatiable bureaucratic behemoth — all with no check, no counter, no buffer to its lust for power and profit.

Zeke practices target shooting his new “really loud” & “smoky” gun w/ Daddy on Christmas Day. Since then, the boys have grown accustomed to their pistols & don’t find ear and eye protection necessary anymore.

But as the saying goes, “Those who anger you, control you,” so becoming enraged at the authoritarian rants of a law professor in a publication of disinformation is counterproductive. Plus, it bums me out.

At its conclusion, the CC Timeline song says, “Rising tide of freedom … I’m part of my timeline.” And that’s exactly right: liberty-loving individuals like me and you must take the wheel and drive home the fact that freedom is always cool, in vogue and on the march. Let’s get busy, folks!

Driving the kiddie train to discipline depot

Considering that the boys are all determined, willful little buggers, I have to be extremely purposeful in my parenting. Otherwise, the 3 Amigos — who all know what buttons to push — would be the conductors and I would simply be an aimless passenger.

To try to decrease my emotionality and increase my intentionality, I have created the Clan Dillingham Family Rules (thanks for the idea, Nanny 911). The document, which is a work in progress, is not meant to be a harsh edict, but rather a guideline for everyone in the family, parents and kids alike.

Gabriel might not have a cop car, but armed w/ Uncle Albert’s hat, a food-covered shirt & cuteness to spare, he’s ready to take on the bad guys.

It is amazing that something as simple as a list of rules has actually helped. I have been more methodical and calm in my approach, and subsequently, the boys have been easier to parent.

Stephen and I are also reading “You Can’t Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded),” by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias. Not just your average self-help book, the author is a former cop and teacher, an admitted strong-willed personality and mother of one strong-willed child.

We were first introduced to Tobias while listening to a Focus On the Family podcast series and her advice was so fresh and different from any parenting/discipline advice we’d ever heard. Check out the Top 10 List for Bringing Out the Best in a Strong-Willed Child.

They’re all smart tips, but No. 5 has probably been the easiest for me. For instance, every time tantrum-prone Zeke screeches “I want …” during the onset of a meltdown, the rest of us holler, “Whistling pig!” It ticks Zeke off initially, but he usually ends up laughing along with the rest of us.

Penguin vs. Bomber Bird: Houston plays basketball @ our newly rigged-up backyard hoop w/ buddy, Cameron.

Another one of my comedic tricks is the use of Looney Tunes characters Speedy Gonzalez and his cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez. I showed the boys some YouTube videos to familiarize them with the storied mice — definitely an easy sell to the 3 Amigos.

Now when I need them to be fast and efficient, we joke about whoever’s being Slowpoke; when I need them to concentrate or be calm, we joke about Speedy. It’s not a sure cure for the zaniness of boyhood, but it works much of the time, and gets us giggling at the very least.

Honorable mentions

From 12/27-12/30, we visited Gramsey and Papa’s and got to see much of our Virginia kin. Cousin Kara spent the night our whole stay there — always a huge hit with the dudes. One particular highlight was when the kids found and buried a dead cardinal: R.I.P. Lady McFly Stook-Fee!

Call of the wild: Christmas brings out the animal in Zeke, Kara, Gabriel & Houston.

Since Stephen and I are old and tired, we did nothing special for New Year’s Eve, even though it was 14 years ago that night when we fell in love in the Big Apple. Perhaps we’ll get out next year to celebrate our crystal anniversary. (Hint hint.)

Last Saturday, Gabriel didn’t have basketball, so Stephen took the boys swimming at the Y. They hadn’t gone to the pool in ages and all the kids had a blast showing daddy their pool moves from summer.

We’re thinking that when basketball wraps up, we’re going to take a break from sports in order to free up our Saturdays. The more open our schedules, the more boys-only and family outings we can have … and the more likely we can finally take the whole clan camping.

Till next time, I wish you good health and happiness for the new year!

“Give me grace & good coffee”

These are the words emblazoned on one of the beautiful totes my CC director, Jenn, gave to the moms who attended a ladies-only Christmas party at her house on 12/17. And the bottom of the bag contains the second part of Psalm 84:11.

No good thing will He withhold from those who walk along His paths.

But the beginning of the verse is just as important and should not be forgotten.

For the Lord God is a sun & shield; The Lord bestows favor & honor.

These words so perfectly encompass my coping mechanism when reflecting on the extreme political turmoil unfolding in front of our eyes and the mob-rule sentiments that abound in every corner of our nation.

First and foremost, my heart-felt prayers go out to the students, teachers and administrators who lost their lives in the Sandy Hook shooting, as well as the friends and family they left behind, and the police and emergency personnel who had to deal with the aftermath. So tragic.

I’m not going to claim to know the one root cause of these mass murders, but there are some patterns from the past few decades that are worth noting.

  • An overwhelming majority of these shooters obtain their guns illegally, already breaking the multitude of gun-prohibition laws already on the books.
  • All of the murders took place in “gun-free zones,” including the Fort Hood shooting. Targets are plentiful where people are banned from defending themselves and that’s exactly why killers choose them.
  • All are planned and enacted by males, and a great number of them come from broken homes where there is no father figure.
  • A plurality of the shooters are already immersed in the mental-health system and using varied psychotropic drugs.
  • All of the massacres are given round-the-clock media coverage, thus, making the perpetrators’ names live in infamy, probably prompting copycats.
  • Most of these murderers kill themselves once they know the police or somebody else armed with a gun have arrived at the scene.

I won’t even go into possible causation of using violent and bloody video games or viewing gruesome and gory Hollywood films. After all, those are protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, & to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

People have the freedom to choose whether or not to purchase and use those products, and the market will determine their ultimate success and availability.

Housed in the lobby of the historic building in which Stephen now works is the bronze sculpture “The Signing of the Constitution.”

But just as we are endowed by God with this unalienable right, so too are citizens called to cherish and governments to protect the Second Amendment.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep & bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Our right to self-defense, whether that be to abate tyranny or to protect your family and home, is just as important as our right of unfettered speech, no matter how politically incorrect it may be deemed by the easily offended.

My counter to the draconian, anti-gun hysteria is best described by the words of two famous Jamaican musicians.

I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.
— Jimmy Cliff

Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life. — Bob Marley

The most inarguable lesson of this whole tragedy is that if a bad guy is hell bent on hurting people, he will find a way to do it. Hence, disarming law-abiding citizens will do nothing but increase their risk to life and limb.

This can be evidenced in the mass knifing that took place in a Chinese school, wounding 22 kids on the very same day as Sandy Hook. And as you know, Communist China has extremely strict gun control.

The “Freedom Pledge” plaque is located on the outside of the Jefferson Standard Building on the corner of Elm & Market streets.

Interestingly, you’ll see near the end of the article that knives were also the weapon of choice in seven other Chinese stabbing sprees in 2010, killing a total of 20 people and wounding 50. Yes, these mass killers are insane, but they are also resourceful.

For example, in 1964, a man armed with an insecticide sprayer converted into a flamethrower killed 11 and injured 22 in a school in Cologne, Germany. In 1927, a man used dynamite to bomb a school and then explode his shrapnel-filled truck outside the building to kill 45 and wound 58 in Bath Township, Michigan.

In the wake of the current tragedy, it is God’s grace alone that helps me deal with the acts of such evil men, as well as the illogical, agenda-driven, emotion-based rantings of those in the media after the fact. (Not participating in the cultural cesspool that is Facebook has also helped.)

Case in point: A recent article in The Nation. As you can see, the author worships at the shrine of collectivism (public schools), blaming individualism (the homeschooling movement) for society’s ills, thus, setting the stage for massacres like Sandy Hook.

On this seal above the elevators in the JSB, Liberty holds the state constitution & faces the goddess Plenty. The motto “Esse Quam Videri” means “To Be Rather Than To Seem” & the date @ top is especially important, since it refers to the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, which was allegedly the first such declaration adopted during the American Revolution.

If that weren’t bad enough, she goes way beyond the miseducation and misunderstanding of what it means to live in a Republic (and what the government’s role is therein), or the predictably intolerant and anti-choice stances of America’s Left.

What she is preaching is authoritarianism. She and her statist ilk want to impose their view of social-justice morality on the masses through government edict and anyone who gets in their way is, simply put, the enemy.

“Let us do all the talking, thinking and law making, and you just shut up and be a good little subject” is really the end game. Who knew fascism was back in fashion? So much for live and let live.

As a Christian, I cannot let my emotions be manipulated by such evil and oppression. I have to pray that the misguided will come to their senses, and come back to embracing liberty, which I truly believe is not only at every American’s core, but is something fundamental that God places within every human heart.

So that’s where the grace comes in. And the “good coffee” part — which is my effort at not allowing the haters to steal my joy – will be expanded upon in the next blog, which I promise will be light and fun, and full of cute photos.

Also above the elevators in the JSB is the “Signing of the Declaration of Independence” in marble. The reminders of liberty are everywhere!

And as a mother trying to deal with increasing unrest and social division, and the ramifications such intolerance may have on my children, I’ll leave you with the prescient words of the brilliant and strong-willed Abigail Adams, the first Second Lady and second First Lady of the U.S. (and a homeschooler to boot).

The following is an excerpt from a letter written to her 9-year-old son, John Quincy Adams. She has sent him on a long journey to France to be with his father, John Adams, and explains why the separation from his mom’s loving arms is necessary.

These are times in which a genius would wish to live. It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. Would Cicero have shone so distinguished an orator if he had not been roused, kindled, and inflamed by the tyranny of Catiline, Verres, and Mark Anthony? The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. All history will convince you of this, and that wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience, not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised and animated by scenes that engage the heart, then those qualities, which would otherwise lie dormant, wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman. War, tyranny, and desolation are the scourges of the Almighty, and ought no doubt to be deprecated. Yet it is your lot, my son, to be an eyewitness of these calamities in your own native land, and, at the same time, to owe your existence among a people who have made a glorious defence of their invaded liberties, and who, aided by a generous and powerful ally, with the blessing of Heaven, will transmit this inheritance to ages yet unborn. — Abigail Adams, 1780