Well, a lot has been happening on the cultural-imperialist front since my last blog. On the positive side, Great Britain voted to leave the European Union. Brexit was a huge win for secession and for self-determination, putting a chink in the armor of the globalists. But for every small step forward, it’s like we liberty-lovers have to take 100 steps backwards.
So yeah, on the negative side here on the home front, Black Lives Matter activists are killing cops, assaulting citizens, destroying private property, and closing down interstates in an effort to push their hateful message. Just a smattering of race riots dotting the American landscape. That’s all, no big deal, people. Move along.
Seriously, these are crazy times for sure. And anyone with a brain in his head knows BLM is a Marxist movement which cloaks itself in the banner of justice and equality — a pretty great strategy since it fools unwitting, good-hearted people and self-loathing, elitists alike.
Unfortunately, many in the modern American church fall into either one or both of those camps. These Christians have been duped or guilted into thinking that “social justice” is a Biblical prescript. All you have to do is look at a generic definition of the term “social gospel” to see how poisonous this kind of thinking is. Truly frightening.
Somehow, they forgot to mention that it was this progressive social gospel that helped Wilson convince people that America must enter WWI — a horrific struggle, in which America simply had no reason for fighting. The Great War, as it was called, promised to be “the war to end all wars,” but really, it was just the beginning.
I would argue that it was the first domino of an ever-spreading and destructive U.S. imperialism (save the Spanish-American War in the late 1800s). It set the stage for 20th century American war lust. It was the first step in getting a previously free people used to the slow, but steady destruction of Western civilization, all the while subsidizing it.
And we have been on this war-time footing ever since. With flags perpetually at half mast and moments of silence booming from coast to coast, this continual “state of emergency” demands all sorts of anti-liberty actions of its citizens, specifically curtailing one’s freedoms and rights all in the name of safety, security, and the American way.
The social gospel continued the push “forward” with its noxious progressivism, giving us the New Deal and the Great Society, and foisted the dangerous “Pledge of Allegiance†into the consciousness and hearts of all citizens, tricking the people into accepting leftist nationalism and the dystopic view of indivisibility. Thanks, social-gospel totalitarians!
What do all those things have in common? Statism, the very thing of which black people should be wary. The very thing that afforded both slavery and Jim Crow legal protections. The very thing that tried to keep guns out of the hands of freed slaves. The very thing that replaced fatherhood in the black community and beyond.
The very thing that made black, white, brown, and red hapless dependents on government bureaucrats for miseducating, feeding (malnourishing), and housing their kids. The very thing whose militarized police force aggresses against people of all color (and last time I checked, white was a color, too).
The very thing whose top-down central planners are headed by a black president and a black attorney general. The very thing that is organized, implemented, and waged by predominantly black mayors against people in America’s big cities. It is statism that BLM should be fighting against, not the mythical white privilege.
Yet social-justice warriors praise the state, depend upon it for answers and solutions, and then use it to coerce others into accepting their beliefs. Statism pushes the victim status of “people of color” to an untouchable level, so that saying anything counter to them pegs me as a divider and a racist.
And then you have the “Christian” magazine Relevant pushing the narrative of “… the ongoing reality of white supremacy in America” and writing stories about there being a problem with saying “all lives matter.” One of my former pastors actually shared on Facebook a Relevant article, by “Christian” rapper Propaganda, which included much of the same tripe. Ack!
This cancerous type of thinking enables black supremacists to write/say hateful things about other populations. The lies are never questioned by the progressive useful idiots, but instead, are worshipped by SJWs who thank the racists for their “courage” and then plead for patience since whites are “struggling to come to terms with their privilege.”
A commenter to another Relevant article actually said that! Aw, look at the guilty “Anglo” who so wants a black guy to like him, that he is willing to abhor himself just to look cool. Anyone who uses white privilege as an excuse to bludgeon people with hate will never, ever trust a hipster cracker, no matter how self-loathing he is. Get woke, nihilists.
And let’s look at the hypocrisy, like the fact that more whites have been murdered by police than blacks. Where is that in the mainstream media? Where is justice for whitey? Well, that doesn’t make for sexy, divisive news, or a civilization-destroying movement.
Sure, more blacks have been killed proportionately, but honestly, SJWs don’t care about white folks dying, at the hands of the state or otherwise. It doesn’t fit their narrative: “people of color” get killed by cops, so we cry for more state intervention. Huh? It’s hard to even wrap my head around such an illogical premise as that.
But what about these facts (something that Propaganda the rapper said we shouldn’t worry ourselves with): according to the U.S. Department of Justice, which has been headed by only black attorneys general under Obama, between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides, even though they are 1/5 of the population.
And in 2013, black criminals committed 38% of all murders, while whites accounted for just 31%. Where are the SJWs who want to deal with that? Oh yeah, blame it on white institutional racism and then force the “Anglos” to pay for the very thing that really hurts all people: statism.
What about black-on-black crime? My former lead pastor said that shooting sprees that happen all too commonly in Chicago are not reported due to “poverty.†Really? Nope, it’s not because the victims are “poor†blacks. It’s because the murderers are black.
It was this statement during a sermon on privilege (coupled with that horrid FB share by another pastor mentioned earlier) that we decided to part with our church of three-plus years. Sad, I know, but that kind of message is either borne out of naivety or deceit.
Either way, I am not attending any church where the leadership pushes the privilege message. It is a dangerous narrative because I know it’s code for “white people (especially men) are devil supremacists” and “people of color are righteous victims.” You can’t fool me. I was a socialist and feminist once, remember? I understand the lingo.
What about black-on-white crime? Such crime is rampant, yet is never reported. Why? Because the media has accepted white guilt and refuses to report facts in order to purge themselves of their supposed privilege and ancestral past sins. They aren’t watchdogs of truth, but they are instead the perpetrators of fiction and lies.
Check out the work of Colin Faherty, author of White Girl Bleed a Lot. The subhead of his newest book, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry, pretty much sums it up: The Hoax of Black Victimization and How We Enable It. This is the suspension-of-reality world in which sane people are being forced to exist.
Let’s not forget to follow the money. The Washington Post reported leftist billionaire George Soros gave more than $30 million in seed money to BLM-affiliated organizations. According to Essence, Google did the same, giving $2.35 million in grants to activist groups addressing the “racial injustices that have swept the nation.â€
Another major BLM donor group is Democracy Alliance, which was started by Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay, and is endowed by hedge-fund billionaire Tom Steyer. Others include Black Youth Project 100, Center for Popular Democracy, Center for American Progress, and The Black Civic Engagement Fund.
All nice sounding names that just want “restorative justice,” right? Wrong. They’re simply part of a web of communist front groups. It is hateful, anti-white, totalitarian, and evil, and spans from the black-supremacist movement to La Raza to man-hating feminist organizations, and is all kept afloat by wealthy progressives. And the media, of course.
So, not only am I told to embrace guilt, pass this self-loathing on to my kids, not criticize or question or fight for peace and sanity out of fear of being castigated as “part of the problem,” I am forced to subsidize the statism that spreads the poison that is pitted against my family. How do you like them apples?
Moreover, what about “black and brown privilege” in labor quotas, higher education, welfare distribution, bank loans, housing, media bias, selective law enforcement and police protections, and other sectors of the system of which BLM and La Raza benefit, yet claim they want to fight?
It’s state-endorsed cultural imperialism. It’s violence against my children. It’s arrested development of the masses, and I’m footing the bill.
Earlier I mentioned our living in an oligarchy: rule by a few. This is indeed true, but civilization is also being destroyed by ochlocracy: rule of the government by a mass of people. In other words, mob rule or majoritarianism. It is like a two-headed monster from which freedom-loving people cannot escape. It is a catch-22 existence.
Liberty-lovers are persecuted by the state through oppressive taxation, a militarized police force, the tyranny of law, and increased gun control, while being told by the mob to shut up and take it, encouraged to hate and not defend ourselves, and to accept the fact that we might be killed because of our skin color. Quite the politically correct quandary.
But where’s my empathy? Where are the constant calls of unity and understanding and compassion for my family? Where are the people who want so desperately to walk a day in my shoes in order to reveal and come to terms with their privilege or to admit their racism?
Well, honestly, I don’t seek any of that. I just want people to leave me alone, let me raise my kids as I see fit, stop forcing me to pay for a corrupt and unethical system that is stacked against most everything I hold dear, and cease threatening the lives of the people I love most: four white guys named Stephen, Houston, Gabriel, and Zeke.
I am called by God to provide, support, protect, and educate my children to the best of my abilities. And I will never teach my boys that they are less than any other human being or special-interest group; we are all filthy rags, but every person is worthy of human dignity. So, I will say it since I’m deemed a racist anyway: All lives matter!
I will not submit to the caste system of victimhood or the divisiveness of identity politics a la privilege and guilt a la skin color or ancestry or gender. As Ephesians 4:14 teaches, I will not be “… tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.”
I will not endorse the propagandistic newspeak of words and phrases, like “white privilege,” “white supremacy,” “gender identity,” “toxic masculinity,” “misogyny,” “the war on women,” “social justice,” “restorative justice,” “diversity,” “mansplaining,” “man spreading,” “patriarchy,” “hegemony,” “otherness,” or “black lives matter.”
I will raise up my kids to be warriors for Jesus, truth, and human freedom. I will tell them that popularity doesn’t matter, as long as their fight is a righteous one. And at the end of the day, I think that’s the most productive and worthy thing we Christian liberty-lovers can do.
If you’ve been red-pilled, like Neo in The Matrix, and you know the painful truth of this catch-22 existence that is being foisted upon Western civilization, and you are willing to fight for true justice, I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but can I get an “Amen?”
And how are you going to use talents with which we’ve been blessed to help spread the message of truth? God endowed me with half-decent writing abilities and a strong streak of anti-authoritarianism, so I plan to keep blogging when I am able to convey a message of peace, self-determination, and freedom to anyone willing to listen and question.
And for you who have been blue-pilled and are living in the blissful ignorance of illusion, we pray for you. May Jesus have his way with your heart, and lead to a more peaceful and loving world for our children.
Stay tuned for a forthcoming blog that Stephen and I are working on: solutions to creating a more angst-free South. Since those are our peeps, Southerners of all colors, they’ll be our target audience. Should be a fun intellectual exercise and perhaps will even have some real-world results!