The first three chapters of the book of Genesis cover the creation of the world and the fall of mankind. The first chapter explains when and how God created the heavens and earth, the second details the life of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and finally the third chapter recounts the sin of Adam and Eve and the fall of the human race.
Out of nothing, God formed the heavens, the earth, the sea, and every living thing. The phrase, “God saw that it was good” is repeated after each one of God’s creations, reiterating the fact that nothing He forms is inherently evil. God made animals, land, water, day, and night, and after creating each one stated that it was good.
After five days of work, God shaped man in the likeness of Himself. He called him Adam and gave him the task of naming the animals. However, Adam became lonely, so while he slept God took a rib from his body and created a companion for him. The woman was named Eve and lived alongside Adam in the Garden of Eden, a perfect sanctuary where no sin, evil, or death existed. God had but one rule for Adam and Eve: do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
One day as Eve was alone, the Evil One, in the form of a serpent, tempted Eve and eventually persuaded her to taste of the forbidden tree. Eve then convinced her husband to partake of the fruit with her. Immediately, they realized they were naked and scrambled to clothe themselves with whatever they could find. After a while, God entered the garden looking for Adam and Eve. Knowing that they had eaten of the forbidden tree, God inquired as to why they had disobeyed his one commandment. Regrettably, neither of them took responsibility for the sin. Adam tried to blame Eve, while Eve tried to blame the serpent. So Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise and were both cursed. From now on, Adam would have to earn everything from the sweat of his brow, while Eve would have to endure painful child bearing.
Genesis 1-3 is crucial to understanding the creation of the world and the origin of sin. Adam and Eve sinned because they tried to become like God by their disobedience. Even though they were tempted by Satan, they still willingly partook of the forbidden fruit, thinking they would gain godlike power. Their sin would lead to the cursing of them and every human born into the world.