What the heck happened to January?! We have been so on the go lately that this first month of the year has just barreled by, leaving us a tad pooped, but also very happy and fulfilled.
The big news is that after having attended the monthly “socials” for Greensboro Mothers of Multiples (GMOM) and Greensboro Moms Club, I have officially joined both groups.
Houston & Gabriel tackle Granny — what a good sport!
The GMOM social was for moms only, so it was nice to get out and do something for adults — even if most of the talk was about kids. GMOM does offer plenty of occasions for the boys to make friends (i.e. play dates, group outings and the like), but it is more mom-centric, affording me opportunities to socialize solo with other gals who are fully in the same boat as me parent-wise. Should be a little cathartic and lots of fun.
Moms Club is mainly kid-oriented, featuring more frequent play groups and around-town activities. Plus, the socials are for moms and kids alike. The dudes had a blast playing with the other kids (mostly boys!) in a separate room, while I got to relax and hear a cool presentation with the other moms.
These groups will serve as wonderful outlets for the 3 Amigos and me. The kids will get to socialize, make friends and go on adventures with people their age, while I get to do the same. What a fabulous way to kick off the new year!
Zeke thoroughly enjoys getting raspberries from Gramsey.
Zeke’s cough has gotten much better due to the antibiotics the ENT specialist prescribed. The cough isn’t totally cured, but it is, thankfully, nonexistent at night. And since sleepless nights are never good for kid or parent, this is a huge improvement. The doc surmised that the cough is most likely a sinus issue and there’s not much else we can do for a 2-year-old. He did add that kids with sinus problems typically do better in the spring.
Last week, Gabriel and Zeke had a “screen” with Miss Dana, an occupational therapist (OT) colleague of Miss Pat’s. I know it sounds official, but it was just a casual meeting to discuss the twins’ propensity for clumsiness — a typical trait for preemies — and get some suggestions as to how we can help strengthen their “core” (the trunk area of the body). A sturdier, more capable core not only improves agility, but it also enhances fine motor coordination, as well as fosters increased cognitive activity.
Flirtatious Gabriel plays hard-to-get w/ Mia.
Houston’s final basketball game was last Saturday. He has come so far with the sport, making a few shots during recent games and doing a decent job of following the coach’s instruction. Since Houston showed good sportsmanship and lots of stick-to-it-ness, we celebrated the completion of basketball season by treating he and bros to their first jaunt to Krispy Kreme.
Then Sunday was a warm-weather tease. Daddy helped Houston ride his new bike for the first time; the twins got their fill of Liberty Loop, sidewalk chalk and swinging; Houston tweaked his “light saber” (read: plastic baseball bat) skills; Gabriel and Zeke practiced riding the trike and played on Miss Shawn’s bridge; and then we went on a walk/wagon ride with Maddie and Miss Ruth. And now that we’ve had this taste of spring and I’m ready for balmier temperatures, today was frigid. Oh well.
Cousin Kara teaches Houston the art of shooting silly string.
Click the top photo to see the rest of our Christmas Day fun; the shot of Gabriel and Mia for pics of our Virginia trip; and the above photo to check out our New Year’s Eve shenanigans.
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