Augustine’s, “The City of God”

Saint Augustine writing the “City of God.”

After the Sack of Rome by barbarians in 410, many people in the Roman Empire thought this was retribution from the gods caused by the legalization of Christianity. Some Christians even converted back to paganism because of this belief. In order to assure the faithful that they were not the cause of Rome’s fall, Augustine of Hippo wrote his book “The City of God.”

Augustine explained that the City of God is eternal, whereas the city of man (the Roman Empire) is not. Stating that the critics of Christians are hypocrites he proclaimed that they are only alive because God has given them life. Augustine taught that good times and turbulent times will come in history, so Christians should be ready for the Judgement Day at all times. 

Augustine wrote that suicide is one of the greatest evils a person can do. He also advised that while Christians should not be concerned about the evil a person does, they should not consent to his temptations. Describing Rome as more immoral than ever, he stated that the empire is based on bloodshed and greed. 

Man began in The City of God (the Garden of Eden) but lost it when Adam sinned. However, God will elect some faithful people on earth to be in the new City of God: heaven. The earthly city is no longer of God, so it is divided by war and famine. Augustine wrote that one man exercising dominance over another man was not intended by God, and wrote that slavery and war are a consequence of sin. He proclaimed that the laws of the ungodly have not true justice. 

Augustine denied the importance of earthly politics, urging that the Church is the only power necessary on earth. The Church will serve as the guide to Christendom, he wrote, not any earthly kingdom. 

Augustine’s “Confessions”

Catholic painting of Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Between 397 and 400, Augustine of Hippo wrote the book “Confessions” in which he described his crisis of faith, his sinful youth, and his conversion to Christianity. One of the first major autobiographies written in latin, “Confessions” is considered by many to be one of the great masterpieces of Western literature. 

Augustine wrote that in his early life, he was a Manichaeist and even worshiped the stars, stating that he practiced astrology and thought that the universe was not controlled by a god. Augustine explained that during his youth, he stole things for no reason simply because he found pleasure in it, that he had many lovers, and was lustful. 

During his early adulthood, Augustine had a child with a woman to whom he was not married and did not love. However, Augustine decided to marry her, but had many mistresses. He was lost, and wrote that he did not understand the purpose of life. Thankfully, Augustine’s  friends helped convince him that Christianity was the most logical and plausible religion in the world. 

Eventually converting, Augustine was still depressed since he felt like he did not deserve to make it to God’s kingdom when he died. Because of their earthly sacrifice, Augustine stated that the martyrs have a place in heaven, but he will not due to his sacrifice to men instead of God. 

Since the book “Confessions” was composed after Christianity was legalized in the Roman Empire and martyrdom was no longer a threat, Augustine believed more than ever that he could not obtain a place in heaven because of his sin. He said his lust and lack of faith made him melancholy, writing that “A starving beggar is happier than I.” Nevertheless, Augustine did conclude that Christianity was the true faith and that the trinity is the most rational conclusion to the question of the universe. 

Justin Martyr’s First Apology

Saint Justin Martyr.

In Justin Martyr’s First Apology, he said that Christians are the reason for justice because they treat people with fairness. He proclaimed that Christians should never be afraid of execution and that they will acquire the Kingdom of Heaven if they die a martyr’s death. Justin stated that demons are spreading lies about Christians that men will believe, and men will persecute Christians due to this devilish deception. 

Writing that the final judgement will come as a surprise in the night, Justin Martyr explained that Christians should always be ready for the day. Boldly he taught that Christians should also fear hell and that people will blame Christians for disasters that other people created. Justin cited the Old Testament passages that referenced the judgement of Israel for rejecting Christ, that Jews are condemned for this but they can still repent and become Christians. 

Jesus is the judge of nations, proclaimed Justin, and his birth, life, death, and resurrection had been foretold since the Old Testament. He explained that the prophets and Jesus told of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70, stating that many of the Jews will reject Christ, Christ will judge all nations and all men who refuse to repent. 

According to Justin Martyr, Greek philosophers like Plato and Socrates were influenced by Old Testament prophets, but also by demons. Continuing, he wrote that baptism is a form of illumination since it washes away all your sins, making you born again and that the sacraments of the Church are necessary to obtain the grace of God. 

Declaring that the Emperor of Rome was not a god, Justin said that God’s laws are above all earthly rulers and people should never submit to their manipulation. All Christians should confess Christ publicly and not submit to idolatry, Justin urged, even if nonconformity results in your death on earth. After all, this is the path to obtaining eternal life in Heaven.