Gramsey and Papa came to town yesterday to spearhead assembling efforts of the bunk bed we’ve been saving up for for a long time now. As you can see by the link, it has a trundle bed, stairs, drawers and cubbies, so it’s a total space saver.
It only took Papa and I (mostly Papa) 11 hours to get 99% of it put together. There are still a few minor tweaks that need to be made, but the boys have slept quite soundly in it — and on their fancy twin mattresses and sheets — which was, of course, the main goal.
The other goal is to de-clutter and de-babyfy the kids’ room, finally move all of Houston’s leftovers out of the office (which was his old room), move his dresser out of our bedroom, and just reorganize the entire house, making it the most efficient space possible — a domestic chore that is way overdue.
Way to go, Marvels!
We tied up soccer a few weeks ago. The last game was on 5/19. As usual, Houston played his heart out, while Gabriel played feverishly, but then cried when it was his turn to sit out. Poor kid, he was so excited, saying, “Mommy, I’m going to play the whole game today.”
Jackson, Asher & Houston grub @ the park. (Click to see photos from our outing w/ Miss Christie & her kids in April.)
But what Gabe didn’t understand was that he was able to play the entire game the previous week because most of the rest of the Marvels were crying and couldn’t be persuaded onto the field. Oh well, understanding that you’re part of a team is one of sport’s most valuable lessons. G-man eventually got over it.
Zeke, on the other hand, dallied for much of the game, and cried and whined when he wasn’t playing. The misbehavior was so over the top that we didn’t let him participate in the post-game celebration, where the players received trophies and got goody bags from the coaches.
Luckily, there was a make-up soccer game the following week, and all the dudes played great. In a major redemptive effort, Zeke and Gabe put forth their best performances of the season. The 3 Amigos were positive, passionate and pleasurable.
Interestingly, I had to coach for the first 20 minutes. Everyone, except for us and one other teammate, was late. I explained to the referee that I knew only the basics, and she and the coaches from the opposing team were so cool about helping me out.
I suppose they were just glad that at least four Marvels were there and willing to play. We all made the most of it, eventually putting some of their players in with ours, just so no more kids than necessary were standing around bored on the sidelines.
Adiós fútbol, ¡hola papá
Now that practice and games aren’t taking a huge bite out of our weekends, Daddy has been taking advantage of the extra time with the kids. In just a couple weeks’ time, they’ve played at the park, enjoyed a hike, attended an international festival downtown, and gone to see the 3-D film, The Pirates: Band of Misfits.
Always fearless & ready for a challenge, Gabriel rocks it out on Asher’s scooter.
In fact, the latter boys-only outing was the twins’ first-ever trip to the movie theater and only Houston’s second. Stephen says things went swimmingly. He reports that the kids didn’t fidget or complain about the 3-D glasses, they did a good job sharing the popcorn, and exhibited quite acceptable movie-goer behavior on the whole.
Mother’s Day
Quite the action-packed holiday this year. First, Granny and Grumps came for the weekend. As usual, there’s rarely a dull moment when our mountain kin visit.
On the way home from church, we had a near-fatal car crash. It was one of those instances in which the driver (me) explains, “I don’t know what happened … the car just came from out of nowhere.” Long story short, I was trucking down a 55-mph, two-lane road; Stephen and I were singing; the kids were riding quietly and/or falling asleep when all of a sudden: there’s a car a dead ahead.
I’m a pretty defensive driver, always checking my mirrors and keeping a nice, big space cushion between myself in the vehicle ahead of me. Nevertheless, neither Stephen or I saw the car (which was yielding to oncoming traffic in order to take a left turn) so I slammed on the brakes and screeched my way toward the car.
Despite my efforts, it was clear I was still going to crash, so I reflexively pulled onto the grassy shoulder, which was luckily clear and free of all the stuff that lines so many parts of the this country road (i.e., phone poles, mail boxes, traffic signs, drain ditches). What are the odds, right?!
Folks, I’m guessing that this impact would’ve most likely taken the lives of everyone involved. Couldn’t you just hear the news bite?
“Mother’s Day tragedy. A mother of three crashes her minivan into a sedan, instantly killing herself, her husband and children, as well as the other driver and passenger. Story at 11.” Thank the Lord for whatever guardian angel was looking out for us that day.
“Chewing all this candy is hard work, but somebody’s got to do it,” say the kids @ the Moms Club egg hunt. (Click to see more Easter fun.)
Fortunately, there were no more life/death situations on Mother’s Day, only campout/sleepover fun with Miss Christie and the kids. Even though it poured rain, our backyard campfire raged, so we were able to cook hotdogs and s’mores. We opted to forgo tent sleeping, but the boys were able to play flashlight tag in the mud before coming inside to get warm baths and get comfy in their sleeping bags.
The “campout” continued to the next morning with some much-appreciated help from Miss Jessie. Even though not much sleep was had during our first sleepover with Asher, Jackson and Piper, I do believe the get-together with our newest pals was a success.
Later that day, Zeke successfully used a doorknob for the first time. Sure, it was an act of defiance toward a punishment. But if total sleepover exhaustion and the subsequent rebellion are what motivate him to try new big-boy things, I’ll take what I can get.
The kids also gave me some homemade gifts: colorful pasta necklaces and magnets made of puzzle pieces decorated with glitter and bling. Thanks, Miss Jessie, for helping inspire the kids to create such wonderful presents. And thanks, Stephen, for getting me a hammock … now, if we could just get that thing hung.
More play time
Speaking of hanging things, we finally put up our tire swing on Liberty Loop. However, it needs some readjusting, since it’s too low right now and the kids just kinda drag across the dirt — fun for them, but way too messy for me.
Miss Kelly from MOPS recently had a play date at her neighborhood pool. (The last MOPS meeting was on 5/15, but we will continue to have group outings throughout the summer.)
Friendly & Dinky get cozy in our homemade ecosystem. (Click to see early April pics, including shots of kids, not just caterpillars.)
This was the first time the boys have been swimming in months, and they all held their own, remembering what they had learned during our swimming craze of 2011 and exhibiting a whole lot of moxie and courage in the water.
Miss Christie says we are welcome over to her hood pool any time, and I’m going to take her up on it. If I can keep the boys consistently in the water for the next few months, I’m confident I can teach them all to swim by then end of the summer.
Speaking of Christie, she and her crew came over for ice cream cones and a more pre-nap playing after Kelly’s pool date. And then we saw them again today while attending a get-together at the house of our Classical Conversations (CC) community leader, Miss Jen.
Other recent play dates include Miss Amy, Miss Lorrie and the kids at our house for Moms Club; a FOG (our Sunday school class) potluck at the park; Daddy surprising us during a Moms Club jaunt at Bricks 4 Kidz; and a pre-Memorial Day outdoor party at Miss Heather’s.
Life is a classroom
In mid-May, we (sans Daddy) visited Gramsey and Papa for a couple days. Per my request, cousin Meredith gave the boys a presentation on the Republic of Senegal. She traveled to this western African country and former French colony a few years back and shared some colorful stories and lessons learned.
Meredith even cooked us homemade Ceebu Jën and taught us how to properly eat the traditional Senegalese fish-and-rice dish: on the ground and with right hands only, since left hands are used only for yucky things, like wiping your butt. Merci, Meredith!
Minus the cat’s sword-wielding stance, Zeke expertly pulls off quite the Puss In Boots impersonation.
On Memorial Day, I tied up the a few loose ends with Senegal, before the boys got to stamp their passports. They also discussed the American holiday a bit with Miss Jessie and made U.S. flags.
Stephen and I expanded upon the meaning and history of the day. And then Stephen gave them a Pearl Harbor lesson, including photos from our visit to the U.S.S. Arizona memorial in Hawaii back in 2001 and viewings of 1940s videos on You Tube.
On 5/24, I attended the North Carolinians for Home Education annual conference. I purchased the cheapest ticket possible, so I only got to attend the book sale and one workshop, which was given by speaker Carol Barnier, author of Seventeen Years of Homeschooling & I Hardly Twitch Anymore.
This is a phenomenal event. Next year, I’m definitely going for the whole weekend. (Attention grandparents: Mark your calendars for babysitting duties in spring 2013!)
Healthful stuff
Speaking of significant events, our great friends, Greg and Meredith, welcomed their daughter, Aurora Julianna, to the world on 5/29. Their beloved Rorie was a wee bit early (about 10 weeks) and wee little thang (2 lbs., 10 oz.), but mother and daughter are both doing well, I hear. Hallelujah!
The boys and I went to see a bed-rested Auntie Merdy at the hospital a few days prior. While there, we made stops at our old stomping grounds: the room where Houston roomed-in with me; the NICU where Gabe and Zeke spent their first couple weeks; and Maternal Fetal Medicine where I got tons of ultrasounds and non-stress tests, and one scary amnio-reduction while pregnant with the twins.
Wow, we all have come such a long way. So in that vein, here’s to a totally strong and healthy Rorie one day sharing her preemie stories as just distant things of the past. We’re praying for you, sweetie!
Like so many boys, Houston loves finding, studying & caring for backyard critters.
My orthopedic progress is coming along. I had an appointment a few weeks back and my specialist twisted me up like a noodle. This session got a few things worked out, but my twice daily stretches have to be a lifelong thing if I ever want to fully recover.
He suggested that I get a massage. Dutifully, I followed his orders, requesting that the massage therapist hit the main muscles of concern — the quadratus lumborum, pirifromis and iliopsoas.
My student masseuse kneaded my aching muscles for a generous hour, working out so many of the kinks. And considering that it was only $30 for the session, I do believe I’ll be getting massages on a more frequent basis.
Not the poster child of good health, Stanley is currently living large: literally. Our ornery orange cat weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs. during his recent annual check-up.
So now the fat cat is on a vet-ordered diet (sort of) … it’s just a hard thing logistically, since our other feline friend, oh-so-skinny Bob, is underweight and needs all the food she can get.
“Beautiful Life”Â
Last weekend, I attended Angela Thomas’ women’s conference of this name at Westover. Granny was supposed to go with me, but was unable to make it, so Jessie took advantage of the extra ticket on Friday night, and I went solo on Saturday morning.
Check out Zeke’s unique version of a pirate w/ a peg leg.
As Angela says, “No matter where you have come from or the difficulty you face or even the sin that has plagued you, I want you to know that Jesus Christ has the power to make your broken life beautiful.”
The two-day event, based around Angela’s teaching of Psalm 84, was incredibly uplifting and inspiring. It didn’t hurt that the contemporary Christian music (much of which has really grown on me) was performed so passionately and expertly by Chris Billingsley, the Liberty Campus Band, and the gospel powerhouse, Mandisa.
Some not-so-beautiful (& beautiful) thingsÂ
Yesterday, I banned the boys’ use of the words butt, doo doo, pee pee and penis, except when used in the proper contexts of going potty or hygiene. It’s sad that it had to come to that, but c’mon.
And today marked the 3 Amigos’ fourth day of ultra-naughtiness, which was, interestingly, preceded by a weeklong period of wonderful behavior. Hmmm.
I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that I’m chocking up this torturous spell (which I think is finally on the downturn) to the Transit of Venus and its rumored links to bad luck. Fortunately, the next time the terrestrial planet will pass directly between the earth and the sun won’t be until the year 2117.
And as of this writing, the rare alignment is almost over. So thank you, dear God, for your miracles both large (a stunning celestial eclipse) and small (the dudes’ hopefully waning misdeeds). Amen.
I love the name of Carol Barnier’s book; what a hoot! Whew, you guys sure stay busy and this up-coming week sounds like a quite a busy one too! I felt sorry for Gabriel not being able to play the whole game but this is what team sports is all about.
Hope all 3 Amigoes are enjoying the bunk bed.
Love to all…..Grams
What an awesome bunk bed! I’ve only ever seen bunk beds with ladders…not steps like yours. Very cool. Tell the twins “congrats” on their big boy bed! Also…I have the most recent artwork ya’ll sent me hanging on the fridge in my new apartment. It’s all beautiful-the “trains and guys in hats” picture made my day. 🙂 You’ve got some talented kids!
Rorie’s doing great!