Yesterday, Stephen and I celebrated our 12-year wedding anniversary. Our day consisted of going to church and Costco with the kids … ooh, how romantic. Seriously, it’s not that we ever questioned making it this long, but it’s stunning how God has been with us from the beginning.
“We love because He first loved us.” — 1 John 4:19
It’s so evident to us now how He has protected our marriage throughout, both during our wandering atheist years and since. It’s not that I think God preordained our relationship or anything like that. Our strength simply stems from His great love.

Worn out from months of battling TTTS, but still hanging in there, Stephen and I bond with our newborn NICU babies in October 2008. (Seen here is Zeke at one week old.)
We’re not “soul mates,” which is Plato’s version of couples who are supposedly destined to meet and become one. Rather, I like the following expression:
“A ‘sole mate’ is someone who walks with us as together we apply biblical love.” — Gary Thomas, author
And God’s abundant love, of course, spills over into all aspects our lives, most notably, having kids. He not only blessed us with three remarkable boys, but He also lights our way on this rocky road called parenthood, and offers up grace and helps us get back on track when we trip up.
“The days are long, but the years are short.” — Gretchen Rubin, author
Two of those blessings — Gabriel and Zeke — turn 4 tomorrow. Can you believe it? I remember the struggles and worries Stephen and I had during our battle with TTTS. Yet, it was only our faith in God and the shared love He has fostered in us that got us through that turbulent time.

Another flashback: I can’t believe those two little alien-looking creatures are so big and healthy now, and turning 4 on October 16!
Same can be said for Zeke’s CCAM removal, as well as getting Houston’s Horner’s Syndrome diagnosed and all figured out: God is able to place strength inside of us when we think it impossible, dare I say, inhuman.
And it’s not just the awesome outcomes of answered prayers or the commitment of a husband and wife, God has a way of also giving us a confidence that would surely be lacking without Him. I find this especially true these days with homeschooling.
Speaking of homeschooling, we’ve gotten into a pretty good routine and have become more efficient to boot. Christie says she heard that it takes about six weeks to really get into the swing of things, and I think the boys and I are proof of that.
Christie and I have created a casual homeschool co-op in which one of us does CC memory work with Asher and Houston, while the other one tends to the younger siblings. We’ve done it a couple times at a nearby park, but I’m unsure as to how effective it really is.
However, it does provide a change of pace, a good reason to get out of the house and enjoy the nice weather, and a good opportunity for our two crews to get together.
Saturday night, our CC director, Jen (a salt-of-the-earth native Wisconsinite), hosted a family potluck. It was amazing to watch all the kids — no matter their ages — play together and sincerely enjoy each other’s company.
“Hey, I’m Zeke,” announced my brazen boy as he waltzed into a room of tweens and teens. He plopped down and the typically angst-ridden age group welcomed Zeke into their conversation.

Big-hearted Gabriel loves on sweet Piper, who is ever the trooper for taking it in stride when hanging out with her two bros & the 3 Amigos.
Likewise, some older kids were wrestling on the trampoline when Gabriel, Zeke and Houston got on. So, the big boys tempered their rough moves, making it more user-friendly for the littler ones. The tweens even encouraged the dudes to stay on and participate in their ultimate-fighting showdown, coaching them throughout the fun.
And the 3 Amigos also played sand volleyball ball with kids and parents of all ages. (Bare in mind that Stephen and I didn’t encourage the boys to do any of this; they just ventured off on their own and were received with open arms by these wonderful CC families.)
On 10/1, Stephen and I attended Right Night, a local radio event which was hosted by my favorite syndicated talk-radio personality, Jason Lewis. Honestly, he’s the only talking head I listen to anymore, which is why Stephen says I’m a JL groupie.

Stephen and I pose w/ Jason Lewis — the best talk-show host in the biz! — @ Rush Radio’s Right Night on October 1.
The station was giving away his latest book, Power Divided Is Power Checked: The Argument For States’ Right, and Stephen won the last copy. I, of course, dutifully had my book in tow, and we were able to get both signed by America’s Mr. Right himself.
We also met our Winston-Salem counterparts that night. Jimmy, like Stephen, works in software and has made great strides with self-sufficiency, although his loftier prepper dreams still remain unfulfilled. Both men say they aren’t giving up yet.
His wife Rebecca, like me, has the same name (duh!) and is a homeschooling mom. They, like us, are Christians, (little L) libertarians, and huge fans of Jason Lewis. Who da thunk there were any kindred spirits out there for two radicals like us?!
Then again, our newest pals Christie and Logan are on our wave length. Meeting them seemed kind of like a fluke, but perhaps there are more live-and-let-live types out there, just waiting to be befriended.
You know you’re “soul sisters” with a woman when she finds humor and comfort in Parenting: Illustrated With Crappy Pictures. It’s the best mommy-centric site ever … thanks for the reading suggestion, Christie!
On a sad final note, baby Morgan, who I wrote about in the last blog, passed away on 9/30. Thank you so much for your prayers and please have continued prayer for her loved-ones. Rest in peace in heaven, sweet girl.
Rebecca, you write so beatifully, when are you going to start that book? Grumps and I are so very proud off you and Stephen and what you have accomplished, and the faith you glow with. Our grandsons and each of you are our world. You have made Stephen complete, and we are so very proud of the man and father that he has become and it is because he has a wonderful woman like you to support and love him, and God’s grace to sustain him… God has truly blessed us in so many ways. We love each of you more than you know.