Despite the look of torment on Zeke’s face in the photo below (which was taken the day after his return home from the hospital), he is finally getting back into the swing of things around the zoo and is holding his own much better now.
“I’m sooooooooooo glad brother’s home,” says Gabriel. “My hospital bed is looking pretty good about now,” thinks Zeke.
We noticed on Monday that Gabriel’s first tooth is popping through his bottom gum. He seems to be teething more dramatically than Zeke, whose drooling, chewing and gnawing is fairly limited in comparison to Gabriel. Soon enough, both boys will be flashing those adorable snaggle-tooth grins that soften even the hardest heart.
Houston & Zeke have fun poking buttons — one of big brother’s favorite pastimes.
Houston is going swimming at Dixie’s house tomorrow. She has a big pool, and I plan to teach him a few techniques that should serve him well at his last swim lesson this coming Saturday. Miss Heather will be watching the twins so I can devote my full attention to helping Houston blow bubbles, hold his breath and put his face in the water.
Click the top photo to see all the June – Part 2 pics and the above photo to see all the Part 3 shots. Birthday party and Tea Party photos coming soon.