Augustine’s Sermons

Augustine of Hippo preaching.

Augustine of Hippo preached a large series of sermons across his life. Fortunately, there is a written record of many of them, with 11 volumes of his preachings recorded today. In his first sermon, he wrote that the enemies of the Church are wolves and they will try to consume Christ’s sheep. He stated that Christians are doves who cannot fall to the temptations of serpents. Augustine taught that while persecutors may be able to hurt or kill your earthly body, they are not able to destroy your soul unless you deny Christ. 

Augustine proclaimed that Peter represented the Church, and like him, if we have faith we will not fail, just like Peter did not sink on the sea with Christ. Like a rock, we will not totter if we believe. When we trust in Christ, we will float, but if we trust only in ourselves, we will plunge into sin. Augustine said like Paul, we can start off weak, but by God’s grace we can become strong, pious, Christians who will steadfastly labor for Christ. 

Beware the offenses of the world. These offenses are temptations, which can even come from loved ones, friends, or family. Christians can resist such tribulations by obeying God’s law. Augustine advised that when you do a good deed, do not be pleased in yourself, but be pleased in the Lord. God’s grace grants all people (even heathens) the power to be sons of God. Christians are pilgrims on earth, because we should not be of the world, and need to proclaim the good word to non-believers. Augustine claimed that Rome, and all other earthly kingdoms, will eventually perish, just like all men eventually die. 

There will be a Final Day of judgment, but no one knows exactly when, just like the final day in each person’s life, which also is not revealed to us. As a consequence of Christ’s Resurrection, Christians do not need to fear what comes after death, since through his crucifixion and resurrection our souls are saved from eternal damnation. Preaching that God is the Creator, Augustine believed that he is sovereign over the history of the world. Moreover, God’s people should fear Him and Him alone, and not be scared about any worldly persecutor. 

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