August 20, 2020
By Zeke

Fish are interesting creatures. Many fish have not been discovered yet. We don’t know how many crazy sea creatures are out there in the depths of the ocean.
There are a myriad of dangerous fish. Sharks, like the Great White, are dangerous to humans and fish. The Great White’s bite can exert over 4,000 pounds of damage. The Whale Shark is the size of two school buses. When a predator tries to eat them, Pufferfish use their poison spikes to kill the predator. Because they will almost eat anything they can, Killer Whales are one of the most vicious of all fish. However, Killer Whales have not been known to kill humans.
Deep-sea fish are strange and mysterious creatures. We still don’t know all of the freakish sea monsters that are out there. Unusually, a female Giant squid can get up to 43 feet tall. Squids have eight shorter arms and two hulky tentacles. Lantern fish have a light on their head so they can see deep underwater. Because they have enormous teeth and huge jaws, Fangtooth specialize in gnawing and biting.
There is a vast array of delicious, edible fish. Atlantic Tuna is one of the heftiest edible fish. They can weigh up 550 pounds. Flounders are more high quality fish and they can be filleted or grilled. Tasting quite nicely, Lampreys are considered a delicacy in Europe. At her Coronation, Queen Elizabeth ate Lamprey pie. The largest fish market in the world is the Tasjik market in Tokyo, Japan.
Even though much is known about fish, there are still countless aquatic critters that roam the black, murky water of the deep sea, undiscovered … for now.
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