Massunutten madness!

We went to Massanutten with our friends Asher and Jackson. On the first day we were there, we were watching baseball on the TV and we saw the players fight!

I’m serving during a doubles game.

On the second day, we went to an outside pool. Right next to that pool, there was an indoor pool, so we went in both. The third day, we played tennis at night and it was really fun. We played the next day, too.

On the fourth day, we went to a different pool that afternoon and it went up to 12 feet of water, but the other ones only went up to 5 feet. And at this one, there was a diving board that we went on … it was really exciting!

I was scared at first, but then I did the jump!

On the last day, we got in our hot tub and you could add bubbles to the the hot tub; that was cool, too! And we had a game of Risk that started on the third day and didn’t end until the fifth.

After that we went to the Valley Heritage Museum and we saw arrowheads that they found in the area. We also learned about Stonewall Jackson’s Valley Campaign and The Burning done by Sheridan.

At the museum, we learned about the War Between the States and other kinds of local history.

I’m thankful that our friends invited us to Massanutten. I hope we can go again because it was so memorable!

2 thoughts on “Massunutten madness!

  1. What a great time you all were having. What kind of a fight did the baseball players have? Wish I had seen that. I bet the stop at the Valley Heritage Museum was very interesting. Thanks for keeping me posted with all of the fun things that you do with your brothers and friends.
    Lisa looked at this too, as did Papa. They send their love. ( Lisa was impressed with the use of a semicolon.)
    Love you,

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