An Awesome Amphibian

A California Newt.

Newts are small lizard-like creatures that live in parts of North America, Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Newts are closely related to Salamanders, who although appear to be similar, have many different traits. Newts are mostly aquatic amphibians while Salamanders are either aquatic, semi-aquatic, or terrestrial. Although they live partially in the water, Newts have dry skin. Possibly the most fascinating thing about Newts is they have the ability to replace lost limbs. Some Newts can even replace body parts 18 different times! Overall, the Newt is a neat creature and one awesome amphibian.

World War 2 Weapons Extended Version (Axis)

  • Nazi Germany
  • Kingdom of Fascist Italy
  • Empire of Japan
  • Kingdom of Hungary
  • Romania
  • Kingdom of Bulgaria
  • Finland
  • Thailand

Nazi Germany

Gewehr 41 

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle

Year production started: 1941


Gewehr 43

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle

Year production started: 1943



Type: Bolt Action Rifle

Year production started: 1898


STG 44 

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle

Year production started: 1944


Volkssturmgewehr (Also known as People’s Assault Rifle) 

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle

Year production started: 1945


Wimmersperg Spz (Used by Waffen SS)

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle 

Year production started: 1944-1945


GBD 79  

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle

Year production started: 1945 



Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle/LMG/Battle Rifle

Year production started: 1942


EMP 44

Type: Submachine gun 

Year production started: 1943


Erma EMP 

Year production started: 1931

Type: Submachine gun 


MP 28 (Also known as Waffe 28 and SIG 28 when used by Chinese) 

Year production started: 1928

Type: Submachine gun 


MP 35 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Submachine gun 


MP 40

Year production started: 1940 

Type: Submachine gun 


MP 3008 

Year production started: 1945

Type: Submachine gun 


Barnitzke Machine gun 

Year production started: 1944

Type: LMG 


MG 15 

Year production started: 1915

Type: LMG 


MG 34

Year production started: 1934

Type: LMG 


MG 42 

Year production started: 1942

Type: LMG 


VMG 1927

Year production started: 1927

Type: LMG 


Luger P08 Pistol 

Year production started: 1898 

Type: Handgun 


Mauser C96

Year production started: 1896 

Type: Handgun 


Walther P38 

Year production started: 1938

Type: Handgun 


Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer 

Year production started: 1937

Type: Handgun 


Kingdom of Fascist Italy 

Mannlicher-Carcano M1891 

Year production started: 1891

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 

Year production started: 1895

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Fucile Armaguerra Mod. 39 

Year production started: 1939

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle 


Beretta Model 38 

Year production started: 1938

Type: Submachine gun 


FNAB 43 

Year production started: 1943

Type: Submachine gun 



Year production started: 1918

Type: Submachine gun 



Year production started: 1944

Type: Submachine gun 


Breda Mod. 5C 

Year production started: 1935

Type: LMG 


Fucile Mitragliatore Breda Modello 30 

Year production started: 1930

Type: LMG 


Breda Model 31

Year production started: 1931

Type: LMG 


Breda 38

Year production started: 1938

Type: LMG 


Fiat-Revelli Modello 1935 

Year production started: 1935

Type: LMG 


Beretta M1935 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Handgun 


Glisenti Model 1910 

Year production started: 1910

Type: Handgun 


Bodeo Model 1889 Revolver 

Year production started: 1889 

Type: Handgun 


Empire of Japan 

Rising Sun Flag

Type 30 

Year production started: 1897 

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Type 38 Carbine 

Year production started: 1905

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Type 99 Arisaka M1897 

Year production started: 1897 

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Type 5 Rifle (also known as Type 4 Rifle) 

Year production started: 1945

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle 


Type 100 SMG 

Year production started: 1942 

Type: Submachine gun 


Model 2 Submachine gun (also known as Nambu Type 2) 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Submachine gun 


Type 11 Light Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1922

Type: LMG 


Type 99 Light Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1939

Type: LMG 


Type 3 Heavy Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1914

Type: LMG 


Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1932

Type: LMG 


Type 26 Revolver 

Year production started: 1893

Type: Handgun 


Type 94 Nambu 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Handgun 


Type 14 Nambu Pistol 

Year production started: 1902 

Type: Handgun 


Hino-Komuro Pistol M1908

Year production started: 1908

Type: Handgun 


Hamada Type 1 Pistol

Year production started: 1941

Type: Handgun 


Kingdom of Hungary 

FEG 35M 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Danuvia 39M/43M 

Year production started: 1939

Type: Submachine gun 


Schwarzlose M1907 Heavy Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1907 

Type: LMG 


Madsen Golyoszoro (Version of the Danish Madsen Light Machine Gun)   

Year production started: 1902

Type: LMG 



Carcano Rifle (Version of Italian Mannlicher-Carcano) 

Year production started: 1891

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Orita M1941 

Year production started: 1941

Type: Submachine gun 


ZB-53 (And other Czechoslovakion and German Machine Guns) 

Year production started: 1936

Type: LMG 


Steyr-Hahn (Version of Austrian-Hungarian Steyr M1912) 

Year production started: 1907 

Type: Handgun 


Kingdom of Bulgaria

Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 

Year production started: 1895 

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Madsen Light Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1902 

Type: LMG 


Walther PP (Version of the German Walther P38) 

Year production started: 1929 

Type: Handgun 



Finnish Mosin-Nagant M1939 (Also known as Pystykorva) 

Year production started: 1939 

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Suomi KP/-31 

Year production started: 1931 

Type: Submachine gun 


Finnish Maxim M32-33

Year production started: 1932

Type: LMG 


Lahti-Saloranta M26 

Year production started: 1926 

Type: LMG 


Kg M40 

Year production started: 1940 

Type: LMG 


Lahti L-35 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Handgun 



Siamese Type 66 

Year production started: 1903 

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


Type 66 Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1902 

Type: LMG 


Astra 300 

Year production started: 1930

Type: Handgun 

Modern Countries Part 3

Dominican Republic (North America)

Dominican Republic flag

Capital: Santo Domingo 

Population: 10.7 Million 

Size: 18,796 sq. miles

Currency: Peso 

Tallest point: Pico Duarte 10,164 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 69.1% 

Main languages: Spanish, French, and English 

About: Before the Dominican War of Independence Haiti and the Dominican Republic were inside the same country. The Dominican Republic declared independence and waged war against haiti. On February 27, 1844 the Dominican Republic gained independence from Haiti. 

Heroes Monument in Santiago, Dominican Republic.

East Timor (Timor Leste) (Asia)

East Timor flag

Capital: Dili

Population: 1.1 Million

Size: 5,794 sq. miles

Currency: United States Dollar

Tallest point: Tatamailau 9,997 feet tall

Main religion: Christain 99.53% 

Main languages: Atauru, Baikeno, and Bekais

About: After 24 years of being controlled by Indonesia, East Timor held a referendum and 74% of people voted for independence from Indonesia.

The Chinese Temple, Dili, East Timor.

Ecuador (South America)

Ecuador flag

Capital: Quito 

Population: 17 Million

Size: 109,484 sq. miles

Currency: United States Dollar

Tallest point: Chimborazo 20,549 feet tall

Main religion: Christain 93.1%

Main languages: Spanish, Quichua, and Shuar

About: On August 10, 1809 Ecuador declared independence from Spain. 

The Monument at the middle of the world, Quito, Ecuador

Egypt (Africa)

Egypt flag

Capital: Cairo

Population: 100 Million 

Size: 390,121 sq. miles

Currency: Egyptian Pound 

Tallest point: Mount Catherine 8,624 feet tall 

Main religion: Islam and Christianity 

Main languages: Arabic

About: On February 28, 1922 Egypt ended its protectorate over Egypt. 

Great Pyramid at Cairo, Egypt.

El Salvador (North America)

El Salvador flag

Capital: San Salvador

Population: 6.4 Million

Size: 8,124 sq. miles

Currency: United States Dollar

Tallest point: Cerro El Pital 8,960 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 84.1% 

Main languages: Spanish 

About: El Salvador was inside a country called the Federal Republic of Central America it was dissoulosed in 1841 and El Salvador became independent. 

Monumento al Salvador del Mundo in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Equatorial Guinea (Africa)

Equatorial Guinea flag

Capital: Malabo 

Population: 1.3 Million 

Size: 10,830 sq. miles

Currency: CFA franc (Central African Franc) 

Tallest point: Pico de Santa Isabel 9,868 feet tall

Main religion: Christain 86.8% 

Main languages: Spanish, French, Portugese, and English 

About: Spain granted Equatorial Guinea on October 12, 1968. 

Map of Africa that points out where Equatorial Guinea is.

Eritrea (Africa)

Eritrea flag

Capital: Asmara

Population: 6 Million 

Size: 45,400 sq. miles

Currency: Nakfa

Tallest point: Emba Soira 9,902 feet tall

Main religion: Christain 63% 

Main languages: Italian

About: From September 1961-May 1991 Eritreans fought for their independence from Ethiopia. On May 24, 1991 Eritrea gained full independence from Ethiopia. 

Asmara, Eritrea

Estonia (Europe)

Estonia flag

Capital: Tallinn 

Population: 1.3 Million

Size: 17,462 sq. miles

Currency: Euro 

Tallest point: Suur Munamagi 1,043 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 99% 

Main languages: Estonian, Russian 

About: On November 16, 1988 Estonia became the first country to become free from the Soviet Union. 

Viru Gates in Talinn, Estonia.

Ethiopia (Africa)

Ethiopia flag

Capital: Addis Ababa 

Population: 109.2 Million 

Size: 426,400 sq. miles

Currency: Birr

Tallest point: Ras Dashen 14,930 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 62.8%

Main languages: Amharic, Afar, and Harari 

About: Before WW2 Ethiopia was Invaded and conquered by Italy. On May 5, 1941 Ethiopia was liberated by the Allies. 

Negash, Ethiopia.

Fiji (Australia and the Pacific)

Fiji flag

Capital: Suva

Population: 926,276 

Size: 7,056 sq. miles

 Currency: Fijian Dollar

Tallest point: Mount Tomanivi 4,344 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 64.4% 

Main languages: Fijian, English, and Fijian Hindi 

About: On October 10, 1970 the british parliament declared fiji independent. 

Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple in Nadi, Fiji.

Finland (Europe)

Finland flag

Capital: Helsinki 

Population: 5.5 Million 

Size: 130,678 sq. miles

Currency: Euro 

Tallest point: Halti 4,318 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain ?% 

Main languages: Finnish, Swedish, and Sami 

About: In 1917 during the Russian Revolution, Finland took the opportunity to gain independence. It became Independent on December 6, 1917. 

Senate Square in Helsinki, Finland.

France (Europe)

France flag

Capital: Paris 

Population: 67 Million 

Size: 247,368 sq. miles

Currency: Euro 

Tallest point: Mont Blanc 15,774 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 91% 

Main languages: French 

About: During WW2 France was invaded by Germany and conquered. In 1944 France was liberated by the Allies. 

Skyline of Paris, with Eiffel Tower.

French Polynesia (Australia and the Pacific)

French Polynesia flag

Capital: Papeete 

Population: 275,918 

Size: 1,609 sq. miles

 Currency: CFP Franc

Tallest point: Mount Orohena 7,352 feet tall 

Main religion: None 

Main languages: French, Tahitian, Austral, and Raivavae 

Bora Bora island in French Polynesia.

Gabon (Africa)

Gabon flag

Capital: Libreville 

Population: 2.1 Million

Size: 103,347 sq. miles

Currency: CFA Franc (Central African Franc) 

Tallest point: Ogooue 3,300 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 82% 

Main languages: French 

About: On August 17, 1960 Gabon gained independence from France. 

Hassane Mosque in Libreville, Gabon.

Gambia (Africa)

Gambia flag

Capital: Banjul 

Population: 2.1 Million 

Size: 4,127 sq. miles

Currency: Dalasi 

Tallest point: Unnamed Location 174 feet tall 

Main religion: None 

Main languages: English, Manduka, Fula, and Wolof

About: A former British Colony, Gambia gained independence on February 18, 1965. 

Arch 22 in Banjul, Gambia.

Georgia (Asia)

Georgia flag

Capital: T’bilisi 

Population: 3.7 Million 

Size: 26,900 sq. miles

 Currency: Georgian Lari

Tallest point: Shkhara 17,060 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 88.% 

Main languages: Georgian, Abkahazian, and Russian

About: In 1993 during the fall of communism in the Soviet Union Georgia became independent. 

Katskhi Pillar: A massive natural stone pillar with a monastery at the top.

Germany (Europe)

Germany flag

Capital: Berlin 

Population: 83.1 Million 

Size: 137,847 sq. miles

Currency: Euro 

Tallest point: Zugspitze 9,718 feet tall 

Main religion: ??? 

Main languages: German 

About: German became reunited in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell. 

Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany.

Ghana (Africa)

Ghana flag

Capital: Accra 

Population: 31 Million 

Size: 92,497 sq. miles

 Currency: Ghanian Cedi 

Tallest point: Mount Afadja 2,904 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 71.2% 

Main language: English, Asante Twi, Akuapem Twi, and Bono Twi 

About: Ghana formerly part of the British Gold Coast Government, gained persimmon from the British Parliament to have independence. They got their independence in 1957. 

Black Star Monument Accra, Ghana.

Greece (Europe)

Greece flag

Capital: Athens 

Population: 10.7 Million 

Size: 50,949 sq. miles

Currency: Euro 

Tallest point: Mount Olympus 9,570 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 100%

Main languages: Greek 

About: During WW2 Italy and Germany Invaded and conquered Greece. In 1944 or 1945 it was liberated by the Allies. 

Parthenon Athens, Greece.

Grenada (North America)

Grenada flag

Capital: St. George’s 

Population: 111,454 

Size: 134 sq. miles

Currency: East Carribean Dollar

Tallest point: Mount Saint Catherine 2,760 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 86.4% 

Main languages: English, Grenadian Creole English, and Grenadian Creole French

About: On February 7, 1974 Grenada became Independent from Britain. 

Mt. Helicon, Grenada.

Guatemala (North America)

Guatemala flag

Capital: Guatemala City 

Population: 17.2 Million 

Size: 42,042 sq. miles

 Currency: Quetzal 

Tallest point: Volcán Tajumulco 13,786 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 88% 

Main languages: Spanish 

About: 3 weeks after Mexico gained independence, Guatemala became independent. The date was September 15, 1821. 

Antigua, Guatemala.

Guinea (Africa)

Guinea flag

Capital: Conakry 

Population: 12.4 Million 

Size: 94,926 sq. miles

Currency: Guinean Franc

Tallest point: Mount Nimba 5,748 feet tall 

Main religion: ??? 

Main languages: French 

About: Guinea became independent in 1958 and before that it was a French colony. 

Lake in Guinea.

Guinea-Bissau (Africa)

Guinea-Bissau flag

Capital: Bissau 

Population: 1.8 Million 

Size: 13,948 sq. miles

Currency: WAF Franc (Western African Franc) 

Tallest point: Kakoulima 3,317 feet tall 

Main religion: Christain 62% 

Main languages: Portugese

About: From 1963-1974 Guinea-Bissau fought a Communist war of independence against Portugal. September 10, 1974 Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, another Portugese colony, gained independence. 

Bissau monument.