World War 2 Weapons Extended Version (Allied)

  • United Kingdom (Including Commonwealths)
  • United States of America
  • France
  • Soviet Union
  • Republic of China
  • Poland
  • Kingdom of Yugoslavia
  • Kingdom of Greece
  • Belgium
  • Norway
  • Republic of Czechoslovakia
  • The Netherlands

United Kingdom

British Army flag

Lee Enfield 

Year production started: 1895

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


De Lisle Carbine 

Year production started: 1942


Type: Bolt Action Rifle

Lanchester Submachine Gun

Year production started: 1940

Type: Submachine Gun



Year production started: 1940

Type: Submachine Gun


Sterling Carabine Mark 1

Year production started: 1944

Type: Submachine Gun



Year production started: 1935

Type: Light Machine Gun



Year production started: 1913

Type: Light Machine Gun


Vickers Machine Gun

Year production started: 1912

Type: Light Machine Gun


Enfield No. 2

Year production started: 1928

Type: Handgun


Webley Revolver

Year production started: 1887 

Type: Handgun 


Smith & Wesson Model 10

Year production started: 1899

Type: Handgun


United States of America 

Flag of Marine Raiders

Thompson M1A1 M1928 

Year production started: 1928

Type: Submachine Gun


M3 Submachine gun (Grease Gun) 

Year production started: 1941

Type: Submachine Gun 


M2 Hyde (United Defense M42)

Year production started: 1942

Type: Submachine Gun


M1903 Springfield

Year production started: 1903 

Type: Bolt Action Sniper Rifle


M1 Garand 

Year production started: 1936

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle


Johnson M1941

Year production started: 1941

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle


M1A1 Carbine 

Year production started: 1938

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle


M2 Carbine

Year production started: 1945

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle


Winchester Model 1895 Lever Action 

Year production started: 1895

Type: Lever Action Sniper Rifle


Winchester M1912

Year production started: 1912

Type: Pump Action Shotgun


Browning Auto-5

Year production started: 1905

Type: Semi-Automatic Shotgun


Trench Shotgun (Winchester Model M1897) 

Year production started: 1897 

Type: Pump Action Shotgun


M1919 Browning 

Year production started: 1919

Type: Light Machine Gun


Colt M1911 

Year production started: 1911

Type: Handgun


Colt New Service Revolver 

Year production started: 1909

Type: Handgun



Flag of Free France

MAS 36 

Year production started: 1938 

Type: Bolt-Action Rifle


Berthier M1907 

Year production started: 1907 

Type: Bolt-Action Rifle



Year production started: 1938

Type: Submachine Gun 


Hotchkiss M1922

Year production started: 1922

Type: Light Machine Gun


Darne Machine Gun 

Year production started: 

Type: Light Machine Gun 


Chauchat M1915 

Year production started: 1915

Type: Light Machine Gun 


Star Model 14

Year production started: 1914

Type: Handgun 


Savage M1907 

Year production started: 1907 

Type: Handgun 


MAS M1892

Year production started: 1892 

Type: Handgun 


Ruby M1914

Year production started: 1914

Type: Handgun 


Soviet Union 

Mosin-Nagant M1891 (3-Line Rifle) 

Year production started: 1891 

Type: Bolt Action Rifle



Year production started: 1944

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle



Year Production started: 1936

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle



Year production started: 1940

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle


Fedorov Avtomat 

Year production started: 1915

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle


PTRS-41 (Simonov Anti-tank Rifle) 

Year production started: 1941

Type: Sniper Rifle/Anti-tank Rifle



Year production started: 1938

Type: Submachine Gun 



Year production started: 1941

Type: Submachine Gun



Year production started: 1942

Type: Submachine Gun 


Degtyaryov DP-28

Year production started: 1928

Type: Light Machine Gun 


SG-42 Goryunov 

Year production started: 1942

Type: Light Machine Gun 


Tokarev TT-33

Year production started: 1930

Type: Handgun


Korovin Pistol

Year production started: 1926

Type: Handgun


Nagant M1895

Year production started: 1895

Type: Handgun

Republic of China

Flag of the Chinese Republic

Hanyang Type 88 

Year production started: 1895

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Type 24 Rifle (Chiang Kai-Shek Rifle) 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Bolt Action Rifle



Year production started: 1920

Type: Submachine Gun



Year production started: 1930

Type: Light Machine Gun 


Astra 900

Year production started: 1930

Type: Handgun


M1917 Revolver

Year production started: 1917

Type: Handgun


Flag of Polish Underground Resistance

Karabin wz. 98a 

Year production started: 1934

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Karabinek wz. 29 

Year production started: 1929

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Kbsp wz. 1938M 

Year production started: 1938

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle


Mors wz. 39 

Year production started: 1939 

Type: Submachine Gun 


BÅ‚yskawica Submachine Gun 

Year production started: 1943 

Type: Submachine Gun 


Choroszmanow Submachine Gun 

Year production started: 1943

Type: Submachine Gun 


Bechowiec 1 

Year production started: 1943

Type: Submachine Gun


Ckm wz. 32 

Year production started: 1919

Type: Light Machine Gun 


Radom Pistolet wz. 35 Vic

Year production started: 1935

Type: Handgun 

Kingdom of Yugoslavia 

Flag of Yugoslav Army

Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 

Year production started: 1895

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Madsen Machine Gun 

Year production started: 1902

Type: Light Machine Gun 

Kingdom of Greece 

Flag of the army of the Kingdom of Greece

Mannlicher-Schönauer M1903

Year production started: 1903

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Gras M1874 

Year production started: 1874 

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 


EPK (Pyrkal) 

Year production started: 1939

Type: Light Machine Gun


Flag of the Belgian Land Component

Belgian Mauser M1935 

Year production started: 1935

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


FN M1930 

Year production started: 1930 

Type: Fully-Automatic Rifle


FN M1922 

Year production started: 1922

Type: Handgun 


Flag of Royal Norwegian Navy

Krag-Jorgensen M1894

Year production started: 1894

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Automatgevar M42 

Year production started: 1941 

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle


Sjogren Shotgun 

Year production started: 1900

Type: Semi-Automatic Shotgun 


Norwegian Colt M1911 Kongsberg 

Year production started: 1911

Type: Handgun 

Republic of Czechoslovakia 

Flag of Czech armed forces

Puska vz. 33 

Year production started: 1933

Type: Bolt Action Rifle 



Year production started: 1929

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle



Year production started: 1930

Type: Submachine Gun 


ZB vz. 30

Year production started: 1930

Type: Light Machine Gun 



Year production started: 1937

Type: Light Machine Gun 

The Netherlands

Flag of Royal Netherlands army

Dutch Mannlicher 

Year production started: 1895

Type: Bolt Action Rifle


Schwarzlose M1907 

Year production started: 1907 

Type: Light Machine Gun 

Science Art

September 25, 2020
by Zeke

I will be showing you the art I’ve done in science of all the different animals. I have learned about Insects, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Mammals.

This is the picture I drew of a Tarantula spider. It is one of the largest spiders in the world. It has a leg span of 6 inches.
This one of my best drawings. It is a Peregrine Falcon. They are one of the fastest birds in the world.
This is a Snowy Owl. They have a Five foot wingspan. They live in northern Canada and the north Arctic.
Great White Sharks are responsible for the most human attacks of any animal. Their bite can exert of 4,000 pounds of damage. they can weigh up to 70 pounds and get up to 20 ft. long.
This is a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. It is found in Northwestern Mexico and the Southwestern United states. Their Prey is made up of small desert rodents like Woodrats, Pocket Mice, Kangaroo Rats, and others.
This is a Red-eyed tree frog. They have smooth, bright skin and folding limbs. Strangely, They use their eyes to push their food down their throats.
This is a Leopard. They have large skulls and strong muscles. They drag their prey trees to eat them. Snow Leopards are white and live in the snowy, mountains of Asia.
Weighing up to 14,000 pounds, and reaching 15 feet tall, the Elephant is the largest land animal in the world. There are two types of Elephants: The African Elephant and the Asian Elephant. The African Elephant is overpopulated and the Asian elephant is endangered.

Scary and Scaly Alligators and Crocodiles

Alligators are amazing, admirable, awesome animals. These ferocious Reptiles can be found in the Southeastern United States especially in states like Florida. Floating harmlessly like a mere log, these creatures are actually lying in wait to murder you. Enormously, some species can actually weigh 1,000 pounds and reach 15 feet! Crocodiles, unlike Alligators are insanely aggressive and will tear you to shreds if you dare to come near. Chomping and biting, every year Crocodiles savagely slaughter hundreds of people in the Nile River. If anyone steps in to there prized territory, then the Crocodiles will rip you in half and throw your body to be washed away in the River. Alligators and Crocodiles, although they are scary, scaly, and sneaky Reptiles, are still admirable Creatures.