Risky But Rewarding

Starting a business requires a lot of time and effort. To begin, you must have a unique and successful idea. In “The Tuttle Twins and their Spectacular Show Business,” Ethan and Emily had the goal of starting a theater in their hometown. They didn’t know how difficult it would be to even begin.

The twins’ grandmother generously gave them the capital to purchase all the essential equipment, including seating, lighting, and costumes, as well as employees. Even after buying all these necessities, they were still over budget because they needed to pay for permits and taxes. The kids also had to be cognizant of the price of their tickets, which had to be high enough to cover their costs and earn money, but also low enough to make sure it’s not too expensive. Value is important to customers.

“But our business might be over before it even starts. It’s not fair!” complained Ethan. “We’ll just have to figure out a solution,” Emily said. So the young entrepreneurs cut some items and convinced an ice cream shop to sponsor them. Businesses must make smart decisions.

Finally, the theater had its first performance. Soon after the show, a new theater started up and Ethan and Emily had to compete with them. The adults assured the twins that competition would only inspire them to become better.

To conclude, running a business is risky and far from easy, but if you’re successful and reach the bottom line, you can make a profit and have a little fun, too.

God’s Cool Creatures

This is a beautiful Madagascar Moth.

April 14, 2020 

This is an 8-paragraph paper on the insects I have been studying for the last month. Even though some insects can be disgusting or grotesque, they all are amazing in that they are part of God’s grand design. Not everyone realizes that insects are beautiful creatures. 

Insects are in the animalia kingdom. All insects (except for ants) have 3 body parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. Because spiders are arachnids, they are not classified as insects. In total, there are 925,000 species of insects around the world.

Since there are 300,000 species of beetles, they are the most common of all insects. The amazing Hercules Beetle (Dynastes Hercules) can lift a staggering 17 pounds  ̶ a load that is 850 times their own weight. An elytra is similar to a wing. A Ladybug’s elytra majestically opens when it is about to fly. Some beetles give off a foul odor to deter predators. 

The butterfly is one of the most colorful and pretty bugs. Butterflies are in the Lepidoptera class of insects. Moths are usually gray, black, or brown, but some moths, like the Madagascar Moth, have extremely vivid colors just like butterflies.

Ants are social creatures, which means they work together in large groups. Army Ants form a horde to swarm and overrun their prey. They deliver a venomous bite to kill their victims. Unlike other insects, ants have 4 body parts. If termites get into a house, they can inflict a lot of damage to the wood. A queen termite produces an average of 164,000 eggs in 15 years.

There are billions of houseflies on earth. In a strange spectacle of savage gluttony, these pests lay their eggs on decaying corpses of animals, so the maggots can eat the rotten flesh. Houseflies are in the Diptera order of insects. Mosquitoes, who are considered the most dangerous animals in the world, can give you deadly and dire diseases. They feed on the blood of humans and animals. Damselflies are the same as Dragonflies, except they are skinnier.

There are 43,000 species of spiders. Trapdoor Spiders are excellent hunters. These spiders make hatches of silk in the ground and jump out to catch their prey. The Black Widow Spider is in the Theridiidae order of spiders. These 8-legged bugs are venomous and can kill insects, other spiders, small rodents, and rarely humans. Tarantulas are hairy and colossal spiders. Some people even have Tarantulas as pets.

Even though they are deadly and some are hideous, insects and spiders are awesome creatures, and they all serve a purpose in God’s kingdom. Creepy. Crawly. But cool.

WW1 Stats

I’m not sure what the words at the bottom mean exactly, but I think it’s translates to “A will of iron, to rule with a rod of iron.”

This is a brief paper telling the stats of all main countries in the Great War.

Main Central Powers countries: Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria.


Side: Central Powers

Years Involved: 1914-1918

Leader(s): Wilhelm II

Military Deaths: Around 2.5M

Civilian Deaths: Around 524,000

Main Rifle: Mauser M1898 

Main Sidearm: Mauser C96

Main LMG(or SMG): Bergmann M1918

Conquered, and when: Yes, 1918

Ottoman Empire

Side: Central Powers

Years Involved: 1914-1918

Leader(s): Ismail Enver Pasha

Military Deaths: Around 771,841

Civilian Deaths: Around 1.2M

Main Rifle: Berthier M1890 

Main Sidearm: Luger P08

Main LMG(or SMG): MG 08

Conquered, and when: Yes, 1918


Side: Central Powers

Years Involved: 1914-1918

Leader(s): Franz Joseph

Military Deaths: Around 1.2M

Civilian Deaths: Around 467,000

Main Rifle: Steyr Mannlicher M1895

Main Sidearm: Roth Steyr

Main LMG(or SMG): Hotchkiss M1909

Conquered, and when: Yes, 1918


Side: Central Powers

Years Involved: 1915-1918

Leader(s): Vasil Radoslavov

Military Deaths: Around 87,500

Civilian Deaths: Around 100,000

Main Rifle: Mauser M1898

Main Sidearm: Frommer Stop

Main LMG(or SMG): Madsen M1907

Conquered, and when: Yes, 1918

Main Allied Countries: United Kingdom, France, United States, Russia, Italy, Serbia.

United Kingdom

Side: Allies 

Years Involved: 1914-1918

Leader(s): Lloyd George

Military Deaths: Around 886,000

Civilian Deaths: Around 109,000

Main Rifle: M1903

Main Sidearm: Webley MK V1

Main LMG(or SMG): Lewis M1914

Conquered, and when: No


Side: Allies

Years Involved: 1914-1918

Leader(s): Georges Clemenceau

Military Deaths: Around 1.3M 

Civilian Deaths: Around 40,000

Main Rifle: Lebel M1886

Main Sidearm: Pistolet Automatique

Main LMG(or SMG): Chauchat M1915

Conquered, and when: No

United States

Side: Allies

Years Involved: 1917-1918

Leader(s): Woodrow Wilson

Military Deaths: Around 116,000

Civilian Deaths: Around 788

Main Rifle: Springfield M1898

Main Sidearm: Colt M1911

Main LMG(or SMG): Benet Machine Gun M1909

Conquered, and when: No


Russian Empire | History, Facts, & Map | Britannica

Side: Allies 

Years Involved: 1914-1917

Leader(s): Nicholas II

Military Deaths: Around 2.2M

Civilian Deaths: Around 730,000

Main Rifle: Mosin-Nagant M1891

Main Sidearm: Revolver Nagant

Main LMG(or SMG): Fedorov Avtomat M1915

Conquered, and when: Yes, 1917 (by Bolsheviks)


Side: Allies

Years Involved: 1915-1918

Leader(s): Vittorio Emanuele Orlando

Military Deaths: Around 650,000

Civilian Deaths: Around 589,000

Main Rifle: Carcano M1891

Main Sidearm: Glisenti M1910

Main LMG(or SMG): Villar Perosa M1915

Conquered, and when: No


Side: Allies 

Years Involved: 1914-1915

Leader(s): Nikola Pasic

Military Deaths: Around 300,000

Civilian Deaths: Around 450,000

Main Rifle: Serbian Mauser M1889

Main Sidearm: Chamelot-Delvigne M1873

Main LMG(or SMG): Chauchat M1915

Conquered, and when: Yes, 1915 (was liberated only until Treaty of Versailles, in 1918 became part of Yugoslavia)

This concludes my WW1 Stats paper, but here are a few paragraphs on Serbia in WW1. After Allied Troops Landed there in 1918, they occupied it and let it become a free country only until the Treaty of Versailles. In 1916, the remaining Serbian troops retreated to Greece, and some fled to Albania. French troops finally made a breakthrough in the Vardar Offensive in 1918 and pushed the Austro-Hungarian and German Troops Back, forcing them to withdraw.

The collapse of the Macedonian Front meant that the road from Vienna to Budapest was now opened for the 670,000-strong army of General Franchet d’Esperey as the Bulgarian surrender deprived the Central Powers of 270 Battalions and 1,500 guns that were previously holding the line. The French, British, and Greek Armies completely pushed the Central Powers out of the Balkans.

After the Allied victory, Serbia was given independence, but only until the Treaty of Versailles. After the Treaty, Serbia, along with other Balkan states, were combined into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which eventually became Communist in 1946.