By Gabriel
January 21, 2019
Impressively, Roman government had three peaceful but sometimes chaotic stages that evolved throughout history. First, there were six kings who ruled after Romulus. The Roman Republic was the next phase, in which the two consuls has most of the power. Working with the consuls was the Senate, and it was comprised of prominent citizens. In approximately 50 BC, Julius Caesar became a consul. Because the people loved him like a god and since he was a great general who won lots of battles, he was then elected dictator for life. Jealous for power, the Senate savagely surrounded Julius and ended his life. Eventually, Julius’ great-nephew and adopted son Octavian emerged as emperor and started this third stage of government. His title was Augustus, which means “revered†or “exalted.†Roman government’s three stages – kings, a republic, and emperors – was an important part of history and Western civilization.