I am going to tell some weird and cool facts about piano and piano players:
- Did you know Chopin only gave 30 public performances during his entire lifetime?
- Did you also know some of Mozart’s fame wasn’t from piano; it was from toilet humor?
- Did you know Bartolomeo Cristofori invented the first piano? He was born on May 4, 1655, in Padua, Republic of Venice, and died January 27, 1732, in Florence, Italy.
- Some people think that the piano is part of the percussion section because you tap it, but it’s actually part of the strings.
- The piano took the harpsichord’s place as the dominant keyboard instrument during the Romantic era.
- Did you know Bach wasn’t famous until 100 years after he died?
- Beethoven was totally deaf by the time he wrote the famous 9th Symphony.
- Beethoven was important because people thought his music was “reasonable†and a bridge between the Classical and Romantic eras.
- Black keys on the piano play sharps and flats, but white ones typically play normal pitch.
- The keys on the piano are usually made out of plastic or ivory, which is elephant tusk.
- The dynamics (this is how soft or high you play) on the piano sheet music look like p for soft, f for loud, mf for medium loud, mp for medium soft, ff very loud, and pp very soft.
- There is also something called legato and stacato. Legato is smooth and stacato is bumpy.
Thank you for reading the facts I found. The end!