“Now I lay me down to sleep, because I’m too tired on my feet;Â If I should die within the week, it’s because of Houston, Gabe and Zeke.”
— Richard “Papa” Quate’s comedic version of the classic children’s prayerÂ
Papa, Gramsey and cousin Kara are currently visiting and that was Papa’s take on the hectic nature of life with the 3 Amigos after just their first day here. Such is life around the zoo!
A happy & proud Houston w/ Mrs. Cindy @ VBS commencement.
Here’s wuzzup …
- 7/30: Daddy took Houston to a baseball game. Houston liked the time alone with Daddy, learning about Daddy’s favorite sport and playing on the playground with the other raucous kids.
- 7/31: Daddy took Houston to the Y and then to the airport to try to see planes land, while a sick Mommy and brothers stayed at home. Daddy is trying to spend more solo time with big bro, so Mommy can have more one-on-two time with Gabriel and Zeke, as well as possibly help decrease the competition between HL and the dual force of his “bro-bros.”
- 8/1: Today’s breakfast was the first real meal we had as a family, with everyone at the kitchen table (including the twins, who were absent their highchair trays), eating in a normal fashion, lessening the usual mealtime chaos and enabling us to say grace and consume our food like normal human beings, as opposed to wild animals. What a milestone!
The first time Zeke (left) & Gabriel get to play w/ Daddy’s old Star Wars figures — a recent favorite activity of Houston’s.
- 8/2: The kids have been fighting off what we first thought was a bad cold and then the croup. But last night, Houston had a high-grade fever and his cough hadn’t improved, so Daddy took him to the pediatrician this morning, who said he was at the tail end of a virus. However, the most shocking news was HL’s drastic weight loss: he was only 40 1/2 pounds, putting him at a loss of 4 1/2 pounds since his 2-year appointment; moreover, he is 42 1/2″ now instead of the 39 3/8″ he was a year ago. Stress.
- 8/3: Although it was tough, I got some minimal nutrition into the boys. Frustrated by their apparent aversion to food during this illness (but especially HL’s), I decided to go on a high-calorie shopping spree that night, buying anything yummy I could get my hands on for the kids.
- 8/4: There was greater food consumption today with the sweet treats, but Daddy and I were still worried about Houston’s health, as well as Zeke’s, whose cough had turned pretty bad. (Once Gabriel got over his snotty nose, he was thankfully back on track health-wise.)
- 8/5: I hadn’t taken the boys outside all week for fear of prolonging their sickness, and we were all going a bit stir crazy. On a positive note, Houston asked to wear his big-boy underwear over the last few days. Unfortunately, his illness kept me from embracing his motivation full force. Since he was WAY whiney and certainly not feeling up to snuff, I didn’t want to push the major change during such a tumultuous time.
Gabriel shows off his awesome part-horse/part-car Lego creation.
- 8/6: Since the kids were finally eating well, and Houston and Zeke hadn’t had fevers in a few days, I decided to head to the Y. IÂ had a nice swim and even taught a tween how to do breast stroke. Child Watch was a success, that is till the end when Gabriel did his best heavy-metal-singer cry for everyone. I actually got paged over the intercom, but luckily, I had already showered and was in the process of getting dressed. That night, Granny arrived solo for a weekend visit.
- 8/7: Still concerned over Zeke and Houston’s deep coughs, we took the gang to our trusty walk-in clinic. Neither had congestion in their lungs, but Houston did have signs of an ear infection, which our pediatrician had somehow missed. The doc went ahead and prescribed both of them antibiotics, but said they could resume their normal lives. HL weighed 41 pounds (a half-pound gain since Monday!) and Zeke weighed 28 pounds. When we returned home, the 3 Amigos played outdoors for the first time in a week. Then Stephen took me out for an early birthday dinner of delectable sushi. I suppose I shouldn’t be rushing the fact that I won’t be 39 till the end of the month, but you gotta take advantage of the free baby sitting when it presents itself. ‘Prec Granny!
“These things feel funny on my ears,” laughs Zeke.
- 8/10:Â I took Houston to eye doc with me, so he could see how NOT a big deal it is. We were there for nearly two hours and he was such a sweet, well-mannered boy. Thank goodness he’s feeling better and his incessant whining and misbehaving have subsided. Plus, he’s wearing undies at his request and successfully going potty more and more. Gramsey, Papa and Kara arrived in the afternoon for their two-night visit. And the meds and good eating are taking effect, and all the dudes feeling much, much better now!
Click the above photo of Zeke to view all the July pics and the group Star Wars shot to check out a few August photos.