After expending a couple of hours of time writing this blog last week, our lame Internet failed — as it oh so loves to do — and I lost all of my work. So here’s a belated second attempt at my Charleston blog.
The new Mr. & Mrs. “McLevin” = Anah & Mike get hitched on 1/30/10!
An untimely blizzard hit our neck of the woods (and many parts of the east coast) the same day we were South Cackalackee-bound. Luckily, Granny and Grumps arrived to our house for kid-sitting duties just as the snow began to fall, so Stephen and I were racing to stay a step ahead of the major force of the white stuff. It was a treacherous drive, and I-85 through Kannapolis and north of Charlotte was extremely sketchy. But with my awesome snow-driving skills, our wonderful 4-wheel-drive SUV, and our pure grit and determination to party hardy in Charleston for one of our best friend’s weddings, we made it the Holy City the night before the event, although much later than originally planned.
The wedding ceremony was a cool melding of the Christian and Jewish faiths. It also touched on Anah’s Scottish roots, with her dad wearing a kilt in the tartan of his ancestors’ clan. Even the bridemaids’ high heels were covered in the familial pattern. The bride and groom looked smashing, of course, and were too cute when they strolled away from the chuppah to the the ’80s Dolly and Kenny classic, “Islands In the Stream.”
Blast from the past: Melanie & Willie were there when Stephen & I fell in love back in ’98.
While munching out on the southern-fried lowcountry cuisine, we caught up with many old friends — some Phish-adventure buddies, some Appalachian alum. And even though I was supremely psyched to have a break from diaper duty, I ended up talking lots of kid stuff with some of the other mothers at the wedding. I mean, just ’cause I needed a vacation didn’t mean I wasn’t sorely missing the company of my beloved 3 amigos!
The day after the wedding, we attended the 27th Annual Lowcountry Oyster Festival with the newlyweds and all the brothers Levin, devouring bucket after bucket of the yummy steamed mollusks. It was awesome to get to spend quality time with some of our favorite people on earth and was the perfect closer to our fun-filled weekend in fabulous Charleston!
Stephen, Anah & the Levin boys stay warm shucking oysters.
Here are some kid highlights:
- We let Houston stay up late and watch the Super Bowl on 2/7. Although it didn’t feature Super Man, as he asked in anticipation of the event, the big game made a big impression on our big boy.
- Miss Heather and I took all 3 kids to their first dental appointment on 2/11. The twins did fine, but Houston pretty much lost it intermittently upon entering the building up until we pulled out of the parking lot.
- Daddy took Houston to the circus for the first time on 2/13. He was in awe of the spectacle, and Daddy enjoyed himself more than he thought he would (especially watching the skinny ladies in leotards).
- Zeke had an appointment with his gastro-intestinal doc today and will go back for another check-up in 3 months. His weight is 24 pounds, 8 ounces — nearly 2 pounds heavier than his last time there in early December.
- Gabriel and Zeke are “talking” up a storm. Their huge, comedic personalities have really blossomed during these cold winter months.
- Houston’s potty training has improved, but we’re not quite ready to get rid of the diapers and pull-ups just yet.
- His sleep issues have also improved, but we still have occasional bouts of anti-slumber rebellion.
Anah & Rebecca post-mollusk mania @ the Lowcountry Oyster Festival.
Click the very top photo to check out pics from Mike and Anah’s wedding and the above photo to see the shots form oyster fest. You can also check out a few new additions of Houston and Kara playing Rock Band at the end of the January gallery.