The boys’ ball-throwing abilities have drastically improved since the last writing. Houston’s arm packs a surprisingly forceful throw, which is usually right on target to boot. Daddy has been working diligently with Houston, and it has surely paid off.
Mommy manages to snap a shot of Daddy & the 3 Amigos on the twins’ 1st birthday.
Gabriel has been into balls for quite a while now, so his solo ball talents are pretty fine tuned. What he’s really working on now are his interpersonal ball skills. Gabe loves to play ball with other people, doing a great job of taking turns throwing or rolling it back and forth. It’s amazing how quickly he caught on to this concept.
Zeke is a bit more into loner ball. He enjoys a good toss every now and again, but also finds much pleasure in victoriously holding balls over his head, as well as chewing the heck out of our leak-prone football.
Last Wednesday, I took the dudes over to Miss Heather’s house for a play date. She lives right beside railroad tracks, so I thought Houston would get a kick out of seeing “choo-choo twains” up close and personal. Miss Heather also has a hot-dog dog and a rooster, who put on a hilarious display when play fighting. Needless to say, all the boys were amused by the spectacle.
“Thanks for working with me on my football skills, Daddy,” says Houston.
Also while we were there, Zeke stood up all on his own (not holding onto to anything or anyone) and then took a step toward Miss Heather before falling down on his bum. He has only taken a few steps since then, but has gotten really good at the unassisted standing thing.
In fact, Zeke likes to clap for himself while performing the feat, and sometimes even throws in a celebratory butt-bouncing jig for good measure. Like Daddy says, Zeke (who we used to say was the quiet, reserved child) has really come out of his shell recently, proving that he is the groovy dancer of the bunch.
Gabriel, who has been the heavy-metal singer of the family for a while now, started doing solo standing in the last few days, but hasn’t yet taken an unassisted step that I have seen. Perhaps he’s taking his time, enjoying crawling for all its possibilities, or maybe he’s just setting himself apart from his twin … similar to how his applause consists of raucously slapping his knees, instead of clapping his hands like Zeke.
“One day I shall slam dunk this basketball,” thinks Zeke.
The twins had their one-year appointment last Tuesday. Gabriel weighed 21 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces and measured 28 5/8″ long. Zeke weighed 21 pounds and measured 28″ long. Both boys are in about the 25th percentile as far as weight goes, and Gabriel is in the same range for his height, but Zeke is is only in the 5th percentile for height. The doc says this is normal, especially considering that they were nearly six weeks premature, and then Zeke spent another week bed-bound in a hospital recovering after his lung surgery.
Gabriel and Zeke are such strong, vivacious, healthy boys that it’s weird to know they’re kind of small for their age. It’s hard for us to wrap our heads around it since Houston is and has always been near the 100th percentile for his height and weight. I mean that boy is donning 4T clothes and a size-10 shoe, and is nearly busting out of his size-6 diaper. But like everyone knows, kids are all different, so we try not to dwell on the comparisons.
Gabriel wonders, “Which ball will be the most fun?”
Similar to the aforementioned speedy ball advancements, it’s as if Houston’s vocabulary and capacity for sentence structure grew enormously overnight. His articulations are too numerous to name, but here are a few favorites:
- “Whoa,” “Oh, no,” and “Oh, man!” = various exclamations
- “Cap ball” = football
- “Pee dee butter” = peanut butter
- “Pee-you Grams” = something stinks and Gramsey taught him the saying
- “Ready go set” = he’ll get the order right eventually
- “Dis” = this (used when pointing to things)
- “Gay-bo” = Gabriel (both brothers are no longer Zeke)
- When making a call on his toy phone, Daddy asked, who are you calling? “Dick.” Who is Dick? “Papa.” Yep, that’s Papa’s real name. Whatta smarty britches!
Houston likes to study the DVD case when viewing “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.”
Houston is extremely excited about Halloween. We have been watching “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” often in these build-up weeks to the holiday. Here are some of Houston’s related translations:
- “Hah-ween” = Halloween
- “Gate Punk-un” = Great Pumpkin
- “Char-yee Yount” = Charlie Brown
- “Why-nus” = Linus
- “Soopy” = Snoopy
- “Ghose” = ghost
- “Skeh-ton” = skeleton
Click the above photo of Houston to check out all the early October pics. Click the very top photo of Daddy and the boys to see a few more recent shots.
The twins’ birthday pics are forthcoming. I’m just waiting on Granny’s photos, and then I’ll have lots of adorable pics taken by the both of us available for your viewing pleasure. I’ll also be uploading some awesome professional photos soon.