Gabriel and Zeke turned 11 months old this past week. It is truly unbelievable to me that the next time we’re celebrating the twins’ birthday, it will be for the big one-year occasion of their birth. Can’t believe how time flies!
As our future heavy-metal singer, Gabriel practices his guitar chops.
Stephen and I will be heading kid-less to the mountains for a weekend in October. This will be our vacation for the year, unless you count hangin’ out with Zeke at Brenner Children’s Hospital for a week as a relaxing experience. I do indeed love my boys, but I am quite looking forward to having some Rebeeler time, minus the poopy diapers, puke, whining, early mornings, laundry, dirty dishes, etc.
We will be staying with our good friend, Adam, at his kick-butt casa in Boone and plan to eat yummy food, see live music, catch an Appalachian State University football game, and sleep in late for two glorious days in a row!
An advance thanks goes out to Gramsey and Papa, who will be heading to Clan Dillingham to take care of the boys for our adult retreat.
To Mommy’s surprise, Houston consumes great amounts of celery.
Other stuff:
- Gabriel and Zeke each have four teeth: two gapped-teeth on top and two on bottom. Their snaggle-tooth grins are too cute!
- Houston’s dermatologic meds are working great. His eczema is totally gone and his ringworm is barely visible. Thank goodness for modern medicine.
- The dudes’ super hero-themed Halloween costumes are as follows: Houston is Spider Man, of course: Gabriel is the Incredible Hulk; and Zeke is Super Man.
- Houston put Vaseline in Gabe’s hair, and on his face and arm. His reason? He was trying to “help bruv-uhr” just like I help Houston by spreading ointment and lotion on his dry skin.
Now that Zeke is standing most confidently, he loves to look out the nursery window.Â
- Gabriel thoroughly enjoys spitting food during his solid feedings. Makes me almost pine for the days of just sticking a boob in his mouth and … voila … the meal was complete.
- On 9/17, both Gabriel and Zeke took two steps forward using Houston’s huge Caterpillar dump truck for balance. It wasn’t officially walking, but it was so much more advanced than simple cruising.
Click the very top photo of Gabriel to check out a few straggler photos at the end of the September – Part 1 gallery. Click the middle pic of Houston to view all the part 2 shots and the above photo of Zeke to see the most recent photos.