You can now view all the remaining not-yet-published pics of Houston and his posse. Click the following links to see these old photos, which illustrate just how quickly they do grow up!
*Mountain Visit
*Meeting Caroline
*Dina & the Kids Visit
*Out To Lunch
Monthly Archives: March 2008
Big News On the Signing Front
It’s official: Houston now does the sign for “eat.” He had been doing it for a while before I noticed in late February that it was actually the sign and not just him frantically rubbing his mouth. It’s so cute and really comes in handy. I’ll be sure to take some video of it so that y’all can see him doing it live and in action (note to Stephen: PLEASE figure out how we can put video into gallery … thanks!)
Other recent highlights are that Houston has been successfully using his sippy cup since early last month. He would chug the whole thing if I’d let him. He has also acquired the taste for water and not just solely diluted juice. (Judy, I know you’ll be happy about this milestone.)
We bought Houston a toy drum that came with lots of musical instruments and a toy phone, both of which he likes immensely. We broke them in during a play date with Dixie at our house on Houston’s eight-month birthday. He has gotten great at sitting solo, as well as moving around on the floor via rolls, butt scoots, belly waddles and the like, so the play date was a hoot to watch. Dixie thought he was a little nuts, but Houston thought she was about the coolest thing since sliced bread. Again, I hope to get some video of their adorable interactions into gallery soon.
Houston stood “solo” for the first time on February 23. What I mean by that is that once I propped him up into position, he didn’t immediately fall over. His record now is about 5 minutes. He also likes to sway, move up and down, and reach down for toys with one hand all while remaining standing. It’s a sight to see and he thoroughly gets into his newfound independence.
Our boy is finally big enough to ride along in the shopping cart seat on errands. We hit Target and Pet Smart last week and Houston couldn’t have been more intrigued from the new perspective. I plan to take him out and about more often, once I have the car more frequently when Stephen starts riding his motorcycle again.
We also purchased what are known as Walking Wings. It is a thick piece of fabric that wraps around Houston’s torso with two handles that rise above his shoulders. They’re currently helping him with his balance and will eventually assist in his walking abilities. These are a wonderful tool for where he’s at right now as far as his ever-changing mobility goes.
On a Mommy-is-trying-to-better-herself note, I have given up biting my fingernails — a habit I’ve had since I was about 5 years old. Obviously, it is my most tried and true vice and will be quite difficult to overcome. But I noticed that Houston was imitating me chewing on my nails and I would hate for him to pick up such a bad habit just ’cause he sees Mommy doing it. So, wish me luck.
As you can see by the photo at top from Houston’s first trip to the beach last Labor Day (click here to see all the pics from his time in the Outer Banks), I’m still attempting to put all the old, not-yet-published photos into gallery. I hope to put up all the recent photos, as well as some more oldies but goodies in the next few days, but enjoy these in the meantime.